English and maths
Information on English and maths qualifications (formerly skills for life) by participation and achievements.
English and maths (formerly Skills for Life) qualifications are designed to give people the reading, writing, maths and communication skills they need in everyday life, to operate effectively in work and to help them succeed on other training courses.
These data provide information on participation and achievements for English and maths qualifications and are broken down into a number of key reports.
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Current data
Updates to this page
Added "English and maths data tool for participation and achievements 2018/19" to the collection.
Added data for the 2017 to 2018 academic year.
Update to the English and maths geography tool to include 2016 to 2017 data.
New data tool for English and maths added.
New files entitled Skills for Life participation by type and level - by Geography and Equality & Diversity: Participation 2005/06 to 2013/14 and Skills for Life participation by type and level - by Geography and Equality & Diversity: Achievement 2005/06 to 2013/14 uploaded 2 December 2014.
First published.