Regional and local authority data on immigration groups
Local authority data for individuals on the Homes for Ukraine scheme, those under the Afghan resettlement Programme, and asylum seekers receiving support.
Immigration system statistics quarterly release.
Latest table
Reg_01: Immigration groups, by Region and Devolved Administration
Reg_02: Immigration groups, by Local Authority
Please note that the totals across all pathways and per capita percentages for City of London and Isles of Scilly do not include Homes for Ukraine arrivals due to suppression, in line with published Homes for Ukraine figures.
Previous tables
Related data
Immigration system statistics data tables
Unaccompanied asylum-seeking children by local authority, England (Department for Education)
Updates to this page
Added 'Regional and local authority data on immigration groups, year ending December 2024'.
Revisions have been made table Reg_01 and Reg_02, for the Afghan Resettlement Programme, due to improvements in data quality. These figures now include 232 cases in Northern Ireland, which had previously been included in the ‘Region not available’ group. Overall totals remain unaffected.
Added 'Regional and local authority data on immigration groups, year ending September 2024'.
Added 'Regional and local authority data on immigration groups, year ending June 2024'. Updated 'Regional and local authority data on immigration groups ' as a revision has also been made to the data on asylum seekers receiving support, following a review of support and accommodation type during the transition to new reporting systems. Some corrections have also been necessary to the stated geographical distribution of the supported population. This revision affects the Regional and local authority datasets.
Updated 'Regional and local authority data on immigration groups, year ending March 2024' to second edition. A revision has been made to the data on asylum seekers receiving support, following a review of accommodation type during the transition to new reporting systems. The main categories affected are those in initial accommodation (revised downwards) and in hotels (revised upwards). Some corrections have also been necessary to the stated geographical distribution of the supported population. The total number of people on support remains unchanged. This revision affects asylum tables Asy_D09, Asy_D11, asylum summary table Asy_07e, and the Regional and local authority datasets.
Added 'Regional and local authority data on immigration groups, year ending March 2024'.
Added 'Regional and local authority data on immigration groups, year ending December 2023'.
Added 'Regional and local authority data on immigration groups, year ending September 2023'.
Added data table 'Regional and Local Authority data on immigration groups, year ending June 2023'.
First published.