Statistical data set

Live tables on planning application statistics

Live tables for statistics on planning applications at national and local planning authority level.

Use our interactive dashboard to explore the data.

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District matter tables

Local authority level statistics from table P124A are available in fully open and linkable data formats at Open Data Communities.

Permitted development rights tables

Reference tables

Planning performance tables

Speed of decisions

Table P151: district and 'county matters' planning authorities performance - speed of major development decisions, January 2023 to December 2024

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Table P153: district planning authorities performance - speed of non-major decisions, January 2023 to December 2024

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Quality of decisions

Table P152: quality of major decisions April 2022 to March 2024

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Table P154: quality of non-major decisions April 2022 to March 2024

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Open data tables and supporting documents

District matters

County matters

Charts figures

Tables containing the data used to create the graphs in the quarterly publication.

Charts Data File

Planning Performance Dashboard

Planning Performance Dashboard Year Ending December 2024

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Planning Quality Open Data

Planning Quality Open Data

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Supporting documents

District matters data dictionary

County matters data dictionary

Dashboard user note

Updates to this page

Published 10 November 2012
Last updated 20 March 2025 show all updates
  1. Updated for October to December 2024 data

  2. Updated for July to September 2024 data

  3. Updated for April to June 2024 data

  4. An update of the live tables to include data up to January to March 2024.

  5. Updated to include the most recent Quarters of data for each live table.

  6. Planning quality open data table has been updated to include data up to September 2022.

  7. Updated for July to September 2023 data.

  8. Updated Planning performance tables P152 and P154.

  9. Updated tables for April to June 2023

  10. Updated Planning quality – open data tables and Planning performance tables P152 and P154.

  11. Updated tables.

  12. Tables updated.

  13. Updated tables. Added Planning quality – open data tables.

  14. Updated Planning performance tables P152 and P154.

  15. Updated tables.

  16. Updated Tables 152 and 154 (local authority planning decisions).

  17. Updated tables.

  18. Updated live tables. Added Table MJPSI: Major public service infrastructure developments.

  19. Updated tables.

  20. Updated tables.

  21. Updated planning application live tables.

  22. Updated Planning performance tables P152 and P154.

  23. Updated live tables. Added new open data tables for last 4 quarters up to 31 December 2020.

  24. Updated planning application live tables.

  25. Updated tables. Added new Table PiP/TDC1: District planning authorities - decisions on applications for Permission in Principle or Technical Details Consent.

  26. Updated tables 152 and 154.

  27. Updated tables. Moved historical and discontinued tables to a new page.

  28. Updated tables. Added new open data tables for district matters (PS1 and PS2) and county matters (CPS1 and CPS2).

  29. Updated tables.

  30. Updated quarterly tables P152 and P154.

  31. Updated live tables.

  32. Updated tables. Added Pilot dropdown table 3: district planning authorities: LA level summaries of district matters decisions

  33. Updated tables 152 and 154.

  34. Live tables updated, and added new table "Pilot dropdown table 2: district planning authorities: time series of district matters decisions". Tables 121, 122, 123, 124 are now discontinued.

  35. Updated tables. Added new table 'Proposed new district matters table: district planning authorities: planning applications decided and granted, performance agreements and speed of decisions (new format drop-down menu)'.

  36. Updated tables 152 and 154.

  37. Updated tables.

  38. Updated tables.

  39. Tables P152 and P154 updated.

  40. Updated tables.

  41. Updated tables 152 and 154.

  42. Updated live tables.

  43. Updated tables 152 and 154.

  44. Updated tables, added new tables P120A and P120B.

  45. Updated tables

  46. Live tables updated.

  47. Updated tables.

  48. Updated tables.

  49. Updated tables.

  50. Updated tables.

  51. Updated table 152.

  52. Updated tables, added new table P155 and renamed 'experimental tables' as permitted development rights tables'.

  53. Updated tables 152 and 154.

  54. Updated all tables.

  55. Updated all tables except 125, 126, 146, 147, 150 and 152. Added new tables 153 and 154.

  56. Added revised table 151.

  57. Added updated table 152.

  58. Updated tables 120-124, 127-133, 135-140, 141, 143, 145, 151, E1, E2, E3, PS1, PS2 and CPS1.

  59. Added updated table 152.

  60. Added updated Table P151.

  61. Updated tables 120, 123, 131, 135, 140, 143. Added new Experimental tables E1, E2, E3. Added new Reference tables 1, 2, 3.

  62. Added updated table 152.

  63. Table P127 has been updated.

  64. All documents updated except 127 and 152 have been updated.

  65. Added revised edition of table 151

  66. Updated tables 120-151. Deleted tables 143a and 144a.

  67. Added updated table 152.

  68. Replaced table 151.

  69. Updated all tables.

  70. Updated all tables. Added new tables 143a, 144a and 152.

  71. Added new table 151.

  72. Live tables 120-150 updated.

  73. Live tables 120-150 updated.

  74. Live tables 120-150 updated.

  75. First published.