Statistical data set

Rail accidents and safety (RAI05)

Data about the accidents and safety of the rail network, produced by Department for Transport.

The Office of Rail and Road (ORR) is the data source to several rail tables published by the Department for Transport. Moving forwards, annual updates can be found on the ORR Data Portal website. Links to these tables on ORR’s website are below.

RAI0502 - Railway movement accidents: passenger casualties and casualty rates

This table is discontinued because the ORR data no longer breaks the railway accidents data down to passengers only specifically.

DfT table Table name ORR table(s)
RAI0501 Railway accidents: casualties, by type of accident Table 5200 - all fatalities and injuries
Table 5275 - suicide or suspected suicide fatalities and injuries
Table 5210 - workforce harm
Table 5230 - non-workforce harm by cause
RAI0503 Railway accidents: train accidents Table 5260 - train accidents by severity
RAI0504 Signals Passed at Danger (SPADs) on Network Rail controlled infrastructure Table 5255 - Signals passed at danger (SPADs) on the mainline

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Updates to this page

Published 12 December 2013
Last updated 15 December 2022 show all updates
  1. Links to rail tables updated to go to the Office of Rail and Road where applicable.

  2. Data tables updated for Transport Statistics Great Britain 2021.

  3. Data tables updated for Transport Statistics Great Britain 2020.

  4. Data tables updated for Transport Statistics Great Britain 2019.

  5. Data tables updated for Transport Statistics Great Britain report for 2018.

  6. Tables updated.

  7. Table 0504 revised.

  8. Tables updated to the latest year.

  9. Tables updated to coincide with release of TSGB 2014.

  10. First published.