Statistical data set

Reported road collisions, vehicles and casualties tables for Great Britain

Detailed statistics about reported personal injury road collisions for Great Britain, vehicles and casualties involved.

These tables present high-level breakdowns and time series. A list of all tables, including those discontinued, is available in the table index.

More detailed data is available in our data tools, casualty dashboard, or by downloading the open dataset.

These are the latest final annual statistics. More recent provisional statistics may be available in the provisional data tables.

All collision, casualty and vehicle tables (Excel format)

Reported road collisions and casualties data tables (zip file) Reported road collisions and casualties data tables (zip file) (ZIP, 16.6 MB)

RAS0101: Collisions, casualties and vehicles involved by road user type since 1926 (ODS, 52.1 KB)

RAS0102: Casualties and casualty rates, by road user type and age group, since 1979 (ODS, 142 KB)

Road user type (RAS02)

RAS0201: Numbers and rates (ODS, 60.7 KB)

RAS0202: Sex and age group (ODS, 167 KB)

RAS0203: Rates by mode, including air, water and rail modes (ODS, 23.3 KB)

Road type (RAS03)

RAS0301: Speed limit, built-up and non-built-up roads (ODS, 49.3 KB)

RAS0302: Urban and rural roads (ODS, 75.2 KB)

RAS0303: Strategic road network (ODS, 20.8 KB)

Further statistics covering casualties on the strategic road network, including smart motorways, are published by National Highways

Geographical breakdowns (RAS04)

RAS0401: Police force area (ODS, 66.8 KB)

RAS0402: Country and region (ODS, 94.4 KB)

From the publication of the 2023 statistics onwards, casualty rates shown in table RAS0403 to include rates based on motor vehicle traffic only. This is because the department does not consider pedal cycle traffic to be robust at the local authority level.

RAS0403: Local authority (ODS, 1.99 MB)

RAS0404: International comparisons (ODS, 26.8 KB)

Vehicles and drivers (RAS05)

RAS0501: Drivers involved by sex, age and road user type (ODS, 129 KB)

RAS0502: Vehicles involved and involvement rates (ODS, 58.3 KB)

RAS0503: Vehicle type and manoeuvre (ODS, 49.9 KB)

RAS0504: Vehicle type and road type (built up and non built up roads) (ODS, 67.3 KB)

RAS0505: Left-hand drive vehicles (ODS, 61.5 KB)

RAS0506: Journey purpose (ODS, 81.6 KB)

RAS0507: Propulsion type (ODS, 96.2 KB)

Casualties and vehicles combination (RAS06)

RAS0601: Collisions and casualties by vehicle and road user type involved (ODS, 62.4 KB)

Factors contributing to collisions and casualties (RAS07)

Drink-drive collisions

Detailed data tables for drink-drive collisions are published in the drink-drive data tables

Contributory factors

Following the latest STATS19 review, contributory factors (CFs) are being replaced by new road safety factors (RSFs), in many police forces from late 2023 onwards. Consequently, we are presenting the contributory factor data mapped to these new factors alongside the existing tables to aid in the transition to the new approach from next year. For further information see our road safety factors initial analysis.

RAS0701: Collisions, casualties and road user type CF (ODS, 870 KB) and RSF (ODS, 553 KB)

RAS0702: Vehicle type CF (ODS, 569 KB) and RSF (ODS, 374 KB)

RAS0703: Road class (motorway, A road, B road, other road) CF (ODS, 118 KB) and RSF (ODS, 76.1 KB)

RAS0704: Speed-related factors CF (ODS, 28.5 KB) (for RSFs speed is a defined section)

RAS0705: Region and country CF (ODS, 455 KB) and RSF (ODS, 283 KB)

RAS0706: Local authority CF (ODS, 6.64 MB) and RSF (ODS, 4.15 MB)

Seatbelt non-wearing

RAS0711: Proportion of fatalities not wearing seatbelts (ODS, 14.1 KB)

Other road safety data (RAS40)

Cost of preventing collisions

RAS4001: Average and total value of prevention of collisions (ODS, 47.9 KB)

Comparing police road casualty data with other sources

RAS4101: Hospital admissions data on road casualties (ODS, 27.4 KB) - data currently available up to 2020

RAS4201: National Travel Survey self-reported injuries in road collisions (ODS, 33.3 KB)

RAS4301: Death registrations data - this table will be added in due course

Motoring offences

Statistics on motoring offences are published annually by the Ministry of Justice as part of their criminal justice statistics and the Home Office in their police powers and procedures statistics.

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Road safety statistics

Updates to this page

Published 24 June 2021
Last updated 26 September 2024 + show all updates
  1. 2023 data added.

  2. Data tables, vehicle type (RAS0403_new) and local authority (RAS0702) updated.

  3. Added new RAS0403 table and an informational box on this change.

  4. 2022 reported road casualties Great Britain data tables published.

  5. Table RAS0203 updated with 2021 data for rail, air and water. Table RAS0706 added.

  6. Table RAS0303 updated with longer time series, RAS0403 with new local authority breakdown, RAS0502 minor clarification.

  7. Data for 2021 added and tables reformatted to meet accessibility guidance.

  8. Added details of forthcoming changes to tables

  9. Data tables for motor vehicle offences (findings of guilt at all courts), passenger casualty rates by mode updated for Transport Statistics Great Britain 2021 report. Data tables included in the report are usually updated during the year.

  10. Updated with annual 2020 statistics.

  11. First published.