Statistical data set

Domestic road freight activity (RFS01)

Data about the road freight domestic activity, produced by the Department for Transport. These statistics are accredited official statistics.

RFS0101: Goods moved, goods lifted and vehicle kilometres (ODS, 9.21 KB)

Domestic road freight by commodity

RFS0103: Average length of haul by commodity (ODS, 9.73 KB)

RFS0104: Goods lifted and goods moved by commodity (ODS, 23 KB)

RFS0105: Goods lifted and goods moved by commodity and length of haul (ODS, 17.1 KB)

RFS0106: Goods lifted and goods moved by commodity and type and weight of vehicle (ODS, 16.8 KB)

RFS0107: Goods lifted and goods moved by commodity and mode of working (ODS, 11.7 KB)

Domestic road freight by type and weight of vehicle

RFS0108: Average length of haul by type and weight of vehicle (ODS, 10.7 KB)

RFS0109: Goods lifted and moved by type and weight of vehicle (ODS, 13.7 KB)

RFS0110: Vehicle kilometres by type and weight of vehicle (ODS, 8.78 KB)

RFS0111: Average annual goods lifted and goods moved by type and weight of vehicle (ODS, 9.19 KB)

RFS0112: Average annual vehicle kilometres (loaded, empty and total) by type and weight of vehicle (ODS, 9.97 KB)

RFS0113: Goods lifted and goods moved by type and weight of vehicle and length of haul (ODS, 13.6 KB)

Domestic road freight by mode of working

RFS0114: Goods lifted and goods moved by mode of working (ODS, 37.5 KB)

RFS0115: Goods lifted and goods moved by length of haul and mode of working (ODS, 10.7 KB)

RFS0116: Goods lifted, goods moved and vehicle kilometres by type and weight of vehicle and mode of working (ODS, 9.87 KB)

RFS0117: Vehicle kilometres (loaded, empty and total) by type and weight of vehicle and mode of working (ODS, 9.75 KB)

Domestic road freight by dangerous goods class

RFS0118: Dangerous goods lifted and dangerous goods moved by dangerous goods class (ODS, 11.5 KB)

Domestic road freight by mode of appearance

RFS0119: Goods lifted, goods moved and loaded vehicle kilometres by mode of appearance (ODS, 9.92 KB)

RFS0120: Goods lifted and goods moved by type and weight of vehicle and mode of appearance (ODS, 12.3 KB)

Domestic road freight by region

RFS0121: Goods lifted and goods moved by region and country of origin (ODS, 10.9 KB)

RFS0122: Goods lifted and goods moved by region and country of origin and destination (ODS, 14.6 KB)

RFS0123: Goods lifted and goods moved by International Territorial Level (ITL) 2 region of origin and destination (ODS, 27.5 KB)

Domestic road freight: Empty running HGVs

RFS0125: Percentage empty running and loading factor by type and weight of vehicle (ODS, 9.65 KB)

RFS0126: Empty running by mode of working, business type and vehicle type (ODS, 11.6 KB)

Sampling and response rates for the domestic road freight survey

RFS0127: Percentage of vehicles working during survey week and reasons for not working by type and weight of vehicle (ODS, 9.73 KB)

RFS0128: Survey response rates (ODS, 9.93 KB)

RFS0129: Sample sizes and sampling errors by type and weight of vehicle (ODS, 10.2 KB)

Domestic road freight by UK-registered HGVs

RFS0130: Summary of goods lifted and goods moved domestically by GB and NI-registered HGVs (ODS, 13.8 KB)

RFS0131: Summary of goods lifted and goods moved internationally by GB and NI-registered HGVs (ODS, 9.38 KB)

Domestic road freight by inter-modal activity

RFS0132: Inter-modal number of journeys, goods lifted and goods moved (ODS, 10 KB)

RFS0133: Inter-modal number of journeys and goods lifted by origin and destination (ODS, 9.69 KB)

RFS0134: Inter-modal road freight goods lifted by commodity (ODS, 9.63 KB)

RFS0135: Inter-modal road freight goods lifted by method of transportation (ODS, 9.17 KB)

Domestic road freight haulage (CSRGT) data up to quarter 2 (April to June) 2021 (before the methodology change)

RFS01 domestic road freight activity data tables before the methodology change can be downloaded. Data collection for domestic road freight statistics moved from a paper to online survey midway through 2021. An investigation of the data has concluded that the paper data pre July to September 2021 (quarter 3) and online data, July to September 2021 (quarter 3) onwards, should not be compared.

CSRGT data up to April to June 2021 (quarter 2), (pre-methodology change) (ZIP, 476 KB)

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Road freight statistics


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Updates to this page

Published 10 November 2012
Last updated 11 March 2025 show all updates
  1. Data tables (rfs0101 and rfs0130) updated for the latest road freight quarterly release.

  2. Table rfs0101 and table rfs0130 have been updated with the latest quarter.

  3. Data tables (rfs0101 and rfs0130) updated for the latest road freight quarterly release.

  4. Domestic road freight activity data tables updated for the latest annual report.

  5. Data tables on the summary of domestic and international road freight activity by UK HGVs and for goods moved, goods lifted and vehicle kilometres are updated for the October 2022 to September 2023 road freight report.

  6. Data tables have updated to the latest data for July 2022 to June 2023 release.

  7. Data tables on the summary of domestic and international road freight activity by UK HGVs and goods moved, goods lifted and vehicle kilometres, updated for the April 2022 to March 2023 statistics release.

  8. Domestic road freight data tables updated for the year 2022.

  9. Summary of domestic and international road freight activity by UK HGVs and goods moved, goods lifted and vehicle kilometres data tables updated for the October 2021 to September 2022 quarterly report.

  10. Data tables updated for the latest domestic road freight publication. RFS01 domestic road freight activity data tables before the methodology change can be downloaded. Data collection for domestic road freight statistics moved from a paper to online survey midway through 2021. 

  11. Data tables on goods moved, goods lifted and vehicle kilometres and summary of domestic and international road freight activity by UK HGVs updated for the year ending June 2021 report.

  12. Data tables on goods moved, goods lifted and vehicle kilometres and summary of domestic and international road freight activity by UK HGVs updated for the year ending March 2021 report.

  13. All domestic road freight activity data tables updated for the year 2020.

  14. Data tables on goods moved, goods lifted and vehicle kilometres and summary of domestic and international road freight activity by UK HGVs updated for the year ending September 2020 report.

  15. Data tables on goods moved, goods lifted and vehicle kilometres and summary of domestic and international road freight activity by UK HGVs updated for the year ending June 2020 report.

  16. Data tables on goods moved, goods lifted and vehicle kilometres and summary of domestic and international road freight activity by UK HGVs updated for the year ending March 2020 report.

  17. All domestic road freight activity data tables updated for the year 2019.

  18. Summary of domestic and international road freight activity by UK HGVs and goods lifted and moved by type and weight of vehicle data tables updated for year ending September 2019 report.

  19. Summary of domestic and international road freight activity by UK HGVs and goods lifted and moved by type and weight of vehicle data tables updated for year ending June 2019 report.

  20. Data tables for "goods moved, goods lifted and vehicle kilometres" and "summary of domestic and international of road freight activity" updated for April 2018 to March 2019.

  21. All domestic road freight activity data tables updated for the year 2018.

  22. Data tables for "goods moved, goods lifted and vehicle kilometres" and "summary of domestic and international of road freight activity" updated for October 2017 to September 2018 release.

  23. Data tables for "goods moved, goods lifted and vehicle kilometres" and "summary of domestic and international of road freight activity" updated for July 2017 to June 2018 release.

  24. Data tables for goods moved, goods lifted and vehicle kilometres and summary of domestic and international of road freight activity, updated for April 2017 to March 2018 release.

  25. Tables updated for the year 2017.

  26. Table 0101 and 0144 (annual and quarterly data) updated for the year ending September 2017.

  27. Tables have been updated for the July 2016 to June 2017 release. New table RFS0145 added.

  28. Table 0101 and 0144 updated to the latest data for the year ending March 2017.

  29. Tables updated to the latest data for the year 2016.

  30. Table 0101 revised and 0144 updated after minor processing error.

  31. Table 0101 and 0144 (annual and quarterly data) updated for the year ending June 2016.

  32. Table 0101 and 0144 (annual and quarterly data) updated for the year ending March 2016.

  33. Tables updated to include latest data for 2015.

  34. Table 0101 and 0144 updated to the latest quarterly data.

  35. Tables updated to the latest annual and quarterly data.

  36. First published.