Statistical data set

Rural services statistical series

Accessibility of services in rural areas.

The Rural Services Series monitors trends in access to services. This analysis uses the road network to provide the distances from each Output Area to each service. These figures give a measure of the availability of a service based on distance to that service. It does not factor in transportation options or cost elements which may affect usage of particular services.



  • percentage of people that live within a certain distance from a range of services

  • minimum distance from each Output Area to each service

Data source: There are various data sources - see metadata statement in the excel spreadsheet for details for each service that has been analysed.

Coverage: England

Rural classification used: Office for National Statistics Rural Urban Classification 2001

For further information please contact:


Defra Helpline: 03459 33 55 77 (Monday to Friday: 8am to 6pm)

Updates to this page

Published 3 October 2013
Last updated 21 July 2016 show all updates
  1. We’ve changed how we’ve organised rural statistics and updated the content following Lord Cameron’s review of rural proofing.

  2. First published.