Statistical data set

Taking Part survey: Ad-hoc statistical releases

This page lists links to ad-hoc statistical analyses on the Taking Part survey that have not been included in our standard publications.

The table below lists links to ad hoc statistical analyses on the Taking Part survey that have not been included in our standard publications.

Date Ad-hoc
June 2022 Adult (aged 16+) opera, classical and jazz music participation by key demographics and area level variables, 2019/20, England
August 2021 Adult (aged 16+) arts, heritage and museum engagement across those in creative industries and non-creative industries occupations
January 2021 Adult (aged 16+) participation in crafts
December 2020 Youth (aged 11-15) participation in gardening
December 2020 Proportion of adults (aged 16+) who visited a heritage website
November 2020 Taking Part COVID-19 web-panel: Whether adults (aged 16+) visited certain places in the last 12 months
November 2020 Taking Part COVID-19 web-panel: Whether adults (aged 16+) would feel comfortable visiting certain places if the government restrictions were relaxed in the next 4 weeks
November 2020 Adult (aged 16+) and child (aged 5-15 years old) participation in the historic environment
October 2020 Adult (aged 16+) participation in gardening in the NW, 2019/20 and England, 2015/16, 2017-20
October 2020 Adult (aged 16+) what makes people most proud of Britain, 2018/19
October 2020 Adult (aged 16+) engagement in lotteries, England, 2019/20
August 2020 Adult (aged 16+) engagement in heritage by NUTS2 region, England, 2005/6, 2011/12, 2018/19
March 2020 Adult (aged 16+) engagement in arts activities outside the home, 2018/19
January 2020 Adult (aged 16+) attendance at a live sporting event by disability, England, 2017/18 and 2018/19
January 2020 Adult (aged 16+) participation in gardening in North West England, 2017/18 - 2018/19, with demographic and area-level breakdowns
January 2020 Proportion of adults aged (16+) who have attended specific arts activities within the last 12 months, England, 2016/17-2018/19
January 2020 Percentage of 16-24 year olds who engaged in culture at least 3 times in the last 12 months, England, 2008/09 - 2018/19
January 2020 Adult (aged 16+) craft participation by key demographics, area level variables and education, England, 2017/18 and 2018/19
January 2020 Percentage of children who engaged in arts in the last 12 months, England, 2017/18 and 2018/19
January 2020 Child participation in football by age group and gender, England, 2005/06 - 2018/19
January 2020 Percentage of adults (16+) who have attended carnivals and culturally specific festivals, England, 2014/15 - 2018/19
October 2019 Percentage of adults (16+), youths (11-15) and children (5-10) who have participated in the historic environment in England, 2005/06 to 2018/19
October 2019 Percentage of adults (16+) who have engaged with, or participated in, arts or cultural activity at least three times in the last year
September 2018 Youth (aged 11 - 15) participation in sport outside school, England, Taking Part survey 2015/16 to 2016/17
September 2018 Arts participation by adults (16+) in the 12 months prior to interview (Taking Part, 2018/18)
September 2018 Museum and live sport event visits by adults (16+) in the 12 months prior to interview (Taking Part, 2017/18)
March 2018 Arts and cultural engagement by ethnicity, rural/urban and socio-economic status: 2016/17
March 2018 Child participation in competitive sport in the 12 months prior to interview: 2016/17
February 2018 Child participation in football by age group and gender, 2005/06 to 2016/17
February 2018 Co-attendance at musical events in the past 12 months, Adults (16+), 2016/17
February 2018 International sporting event or fixture attendance, Adults (16+), April 2016 to September 2017
November 2017 Adult (16+) engagement with the arts 3 or more times in the last 12 months, by socio-economic group and region, 2016/17
November 2017 Adult (16+) engagement with culture, 2016/17
November 2017 Adult (16+) participation in craft activities, 2016/17
November 2017 Adult (16+) participation in gardening in the North West, 2015/16
October 2017 Adult (16+) participation in selected free time activities, by age group, 2015/16
June 2017 Adult (16+) participation in gardening, 2015/16
March 2017 Adult and child engagement with the arts and culture in the North, broken down by region, 2015/16
March 2017 Child participation in cultural sectors broken down by ACORN categories and socio-economic status, 2015/16
March 2017 Cross sector participation, visiting heritage sites and horse riding, 2015/16
February 2017 Arts and theatre engagement by disability 2015/16
February 2017 Adult craft participation by key demographics area level variables and education 2014/15 and 2015/16
February 2017 Child participation in competitive sport by age group, 2015/16
November 2016 Jazz performance attendance
March 2016 Child participation in sport
March 2016 Child participation in musical activities outside school
March 2016 Child participation in tennis
January 2016 Singing to an audience or rehearsing for a performance
January 2016 Child participation in cultural sectors
December 2015 Video game creation and use among adults
November 2015 Live music attendance and disability
October 2015 Museum Attendance in London

Updates to this page

Published 26 July 2018
Last updated 30 June 2022 show all updates
  1. A new ad hoc has been published.

  2. A new ad hoc piece of analysis has been published - Adult (aged 16+) arts, heritage and museum engagement across those in creative industries and non-creative industries occupations.

  3. Supplementary data table uploaded - adult craft participation.

  4. Added supplementary data tables for the proportion of adults who visited a heritage website and youth (11-15 years old) participation in gardening.

  5. Added supplementary data tables for the Taking Part Web Panel Data: Engagement during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  6. Supplementary tables for participation in the historic environment have been added.

  7. Supplementary data tables for what makes adults (16+) feel most proud of Britain and participation in gardening in the North West and in England have been added.

  8. Analysis for lotteries added.

  9. Addition of ad hoc analysis

  10. Addition of ad hoc analysis on arts engagement outside the home

  11. Note on new ad hoc data published

  12. Additional ad-hoc data added - Percentage of adults (16+) who have engaged with, or participated in, arts or cultural activity at least three times in the last year (2018/19)

  13. First published.