Taking Part survey: Ad-hoc statistical releases
This page lists links to ad-hoc statistical analyses on the Taking Part survey that have not been included in our standard publications.
The table below lists links to ad hoc statistical analyses on the Taking Part survey that have not been included in our standard publications.
Updates to this page
A new ad hoc has been published.
A new ad hoc piece of analysis has been published - Adult (aged 16+) arts, heritage and museum engagement across those in creative industries and non-creative industries occupations.
Supplementary data table uploaded - adult craft participation.
Added supplementary data tables for the proportion of adults who visited a heritage website and youth (11-15 years old) participation in gardening.
Added supplementary data tables for the Taking Part Web Panel Data: Engagement during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Supplementary tables for participation in the historic environment have been added.
Supplementary data tables for what makes adults (16+) feel most proud of Britain and participation in gardening in the North West and in England have been added.
Analysis for lotteries added.
Addition of ad hoc analysis
Addition of ad hoc analysis on arts engagement outside the home
Note on new ad hoc data published
Additional ad-hoc data added - Percentage of adults (16+) who have engaged with, or participated in, arts or cultural activity at least three times in the last year (2018/19)
First published.