Statistical data set

Transport expenditure (TSGB13)

Data about transport expenditure on households, duty, taxation and inflation, produced by Department for Transport.

Public expenditure on transport

TSGB1301: Public expenditure on transport (ODS, 6.88 KB)

TSGB1302: Public expenditure on transport by country and spending authority (ODS, 38 KB)

TSGB1303: Public expenditure on transport by function (ODS, 11.9 KB)

TSGB1304: Total UK public corporation capital expenditure on transport (ODS, 7.83 KB)

TSGB1305 shows public expenditure on specific transport areas in Great Britain from the Financial Year Ending (FYE) 2006 to FYE 2020. Following a lack of demand and re-prioritisation of resources, this table has been discontinued. Information on regional public expenditure can be found in HMT’s Country and Regional Analysis in table 6.4.

TSGB1305: Public expenditure on specific transport areas: Great Britain (ODS, 16.6 KB)

Household expenditure on transport

TSGB1306: Household expenditure on transport (ODS, 15.6 KB)

Inflation and price indices

TSGB1307: Retail and consumer prices indices: motoring costs (ODS, 8.82 KB)

TSGB1308: Retail prices index: transport components (ODS, 19.7 KB)

TSGB1309: GDP, RPI, Consumer Price Index deflators (ODS, 9.92 KB)

Duty and taxation

TSGB1310: Fuel and vehicle excise duty (ODS, 12.5 KB)

Due to resource pressures facing DfT and data relating to Vehicle Excise Duty monetary values not presently available from DVLA, we have discontinued updates to Table TSGB1311. Data on fuel duty continue to be published and are available from HMRC.

TSGB1311 (RDE0103): Road taxation revenue (ODS)

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Updates to this page

Published 12 December 2013
Last updated 19 December 2024 show all updates
  1. Data tables updated for Transport Statistics Great Britain 2024.

  2. Tables TSGB1302, TSGB1303 and TSGB1304 have been updated with the latest data.

  3. Data tables updated for Transport Statistics Great Britain 2023.

  4. Data tables updated for the latest Transport Statistics Great Britain report. Table number 1305 (public expenditure on specific transport areas) to be updated in January 2023.

  5. Transport expenditure data tables updated for Transport Statistics Great Britain 2021. Data tables included in the report are usually updated during the year.

  6. Data tables updated for Transport Statistics Great Britain report for 2020.

  7. Data tables updated for Transport Statistics Great Britain 2019.

  8. Data tables updated for Transport Statistics Great Britain report for 2018.

  9. Tables updated to coincide with the release of Transport Statistics Great Britain 2017.

  10. Table 1306, 1307 and 1308 updated to the latest annual data.

  11. Tables updated to the latest year.

  12. Tables 1305, 1307 and 1308 updated.

  13. Tables updated to coincide with release of TSGB 2014.

  14. First published.