Statistical data set

Maritime (TSGB05)

Data about UK ports, sea passengers, search and rescue helicopters, shipping industry and marine accidents and casualties, produced by Department for Transport.

Accessibility of tables

The department is currently working to make our tables accessible for our users. The data tables for these statistics are now accessible.

We would welcome any feedback on the accessibility of our tables, please email maritime statistics.

Shipping industry


Updates to table TSGB0516 will no longer be published by the Department for Transport.

See the Office for National Statistics website to access the latest annual UK shipping industry international revenue and expenditure data that fed into TSGB0516.

Marine accidents and casualties

TSGB0517: Marine accident casualties (ODS, 19 KB)

As of the 2022 release, TSGB now covers primarily cross-modal information. As a result, there are fewer tables in this chapter. Below are the tables that are no longer published with TSGB, but can still be found in the relevant routine DfT statistical collections. The Transport Statistics Finder can also be used to locate these tables, either by table name or code.

Topic Table information TSGB tables
Inland and coastal waters Domestic waterborne freight in the UK by traffic type, cargo category, region and major inland waterway route (in terms of goods lifted and moved). TSGB0425 (PORT0701), TSGB0426 (PORT0702), TSGB0427 (PORT0704), TSGB0428 (PORT0705)
Ports Freight tonnage traffic by port, year cargo type and route. TSGB0501 (PORT0101), TSGB0502 (PORT0102), TSGB0503 (PORT0201), TSGB0505 (PORT0204)
Sea passengers Sea passenger volumes by UK port, direction, overseas country and type of route. TSGB0507 (SPAS0101), TSGB0508 (SPAS0107), TSGB0509 (SPAS0108), TSGB0510 (SPAS0201)
Search and rescue helicopters Taskings by base, type and number of rescued and assisted. TSGB0513a (SARH0101), TSGB0513b (SARH0102)
Seafarers UK certificated officers and trainees by type, and active seafarers by age, gender and departmental profile. TSGB0514 (SFR0101), TSGB0515 (SFR0302)
Shipping fleet Trading ships of 100 gross tonnes and over (in terms of deadweight). TSGB0511 (FLE0101), TSGB0512 (FLE0502)

Contact us

Maritime and shipping statistics


Media enquiries 0300 7777 878

Updates to this page

Published 12 December 2012
Last updated 19 December 2024 show all updates
  1. Data table updated for Transport Statistics Great Britain 2024.

  2. Data table updated for Transport Statistics Great Britain 2023.

  3. List of tables updated to show cross-modal tables only. Table 0517 updated.

  4. Maritime data tables updated for Transport Statistics Great Britain 2021. Data tables included in the report are usually updated during the year.

  5. TSGB0516 and TSGB0517 updated for Transport Statistics Great Britain 2020. All other tables have been updated during the year.

  6. Data set page updated for Transport Statistics Great Britain 2019.

  7. Data tables updated for Transport Statistics Great Britain report for 2018.

  8. Page and tables updated for Transport Statistics Great Britain 2017 release.

  9. Page updated for TSGB 2016 release.

  10. Tables updated to the latest data for the year 2013.

  11. First published.