Wholesale fruit and vegetable prices
Series of fortnightly average wholesale market prices of selected home grown horticultural produce.
From January 2025, wholesale fruit and vegetable price data will be collected and published fortnightly. We have reduced the collection of this data to improve data quality. The first collection for 2025 will be published on the 20th January 2025.
This series gives the average wholesale prices of selected home-grown horticultural produce in England and Wales. These are averages of the most usual prices charged by wholesalers for selected home-grown fruit, vegetables and cut flowers at the wholesale markets in Birmingham, Bristol, Manchester and a London Market (New Spitalfields or Western International). This publication is updated fortnightly.
Defra statistics: prices
Email prices@defra.gov.uk
You can also contact us via Twitter: https://twitter.com/DefraStats
Updates to this page
Updated for latest data.
Update to latest data.
Weekly update of datasets.
Update to latest data.
Update to latest weekly data.
Weekly update of datasets.
Note added regarding a change to data collection changing from weekly to fortnightly.
Updated with weekly data.
Weekly dataset update.
Weekly update.
Update to latest weeks data.
Weekly update.
Weekly update.
Updated for week commencing 04/11/24.
Update to latest data.
Update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets for Week 42.
Update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets for Week 41.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 40.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 39.
Updated the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 38.
Update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets for Week 37.
Updated the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 36.
Update to latest weeks data.
Update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets for Week 34.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 33.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 32.
Update to latest data.
Edited to include data for week 30.
Update to latest weeks data.
Update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets for Week 28.
Updated with data for Week 27.
Updated the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 26.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 25.
Update to latest data.
Update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets for Week 23.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 22.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 21.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 20.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 19.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 18.
Update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 17.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 16.
Update to latest weeks data.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 14.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 13.
Note added: Due to the bank holidays, the next update will be Wednesday 3rd April 2024
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 12.
Update to latest datasets.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 10.
Update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 9.
Updated to include data for week 8.
Update datasets to week 7 of 2024.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 6.
Update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 5.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 4.
Update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 3.
Update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 2 in 2024.
Update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 50.
Update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 49.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 48.
Update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 47.
Update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 46.
Update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 45.
Update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 44.
Update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 43.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 42.
Update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 41.
Update datasets for Week 40.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 39.
Added note to confirm delay to publication.
Update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets for Week 38.
Update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets for Week 37.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 36.
Update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 35.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 34.
Update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 33.
Update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 32.
Update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 31.
Updated wholesale fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 30.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 29.
Update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 28.
Update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 27.
Updated to add data for Week 26.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 25.
Updated weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 24.
Update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 23.
Updated to add data for Week 22.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 21.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 20.
Update for Week 19.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 18.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 17.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 16.
Update with data for Week 15.
Updated to add data for Week 14.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 13.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 12.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 11.
Updated with data for Week 10.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 9.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 8.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 7.
Updated to add data for Week 6.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 5.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 4.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 3.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 2.
Updated to add data for Week 51.
Edited to include data for week 50.
Edited to include data for week 49.
Updated the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 48.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 47.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 46.
Updated to add prices for Week 45.
Updated to add prices for Week 44.
Edited to include data for week 43.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 42.
Edited to include data for week 41.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 40.
Update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 39.
Edited to include data for week 38.
Updated the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 37.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 36.
Updated the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 35.
Edited to include data for week 34.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 33.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 32.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 31.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 30.
Edited to include data for week 29.
Updated the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 28.
Updated the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 27.
Updated to include data for Week 26.
Edited to include data for week 25.
Edited to include data for week 24.
Edited to include data for week 23.
Edited to include data for week 21.
Edited to include data for week 20.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 19.
Updated to include data for week 18.
Updated the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 17.
Edited to include data for week 16.
Edited to include data for week 15.
Updated the datasets for week 14.
Update to the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 13.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 12.
Updated the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 11.
Edited to include data to week 10.
Edited to include data for week 9.
Updated with latest prices.
Updated with latest weekly prices.
Updated with 11 February 2022 prices.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 5.
Updated the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 4.
Edited to include data for week 3.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 2.
Updated with statistical datasets to Week 1 2022.
Updated all files to include the latest weekly prices.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 49.
Updated with latest prices data to week 48.
Edited to include data for week 47.
Edited to include data for week 46.
Updated with latest datasets.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 44.
Edited with latest prices.
To update the wholesale fruit and veg prices data sets with data for Week 42.
Edited to include data for week 41.
To update the wholesale fruit and veg prices data sets with data for Week 40.
Updated with latest prices.
Updated the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 38.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 37.
Edited to include data for week 36.
Edited to include data for week 35.
Edited to include data for week 34.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 33.
Replaced datasets with revised data for the weekly fruit and vegetable prices for Week 32.
Updated with weekly prices for week 32.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 31.
Edited to include data for week 30.
Updated weekly datasets for week 29.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 28.
Edited to include updated data.
Edited to include prices for week to end 4 Jul 21.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 25.
Updated the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 24.
Updated all datasets with price data for week 23.
Edited to include new data.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 21.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 20.
Edited to include new data.
Edited title of attachment as it contained an incorrect date.
Edited to include updated machine readable file.
Edited to include data for week ending 7 May 2021. CSV file not updated due to technical issue.
Updated the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data sets with data for Week 17.
Edited to include updated data.
To update the weekly Fruit and Vegetable prices data set with data for week ending 16th April 2021.
To update the weekly Fruit and Vegetable prices data set with data for week ending 9th April 2021.
Edited to include updated data sets.
To update the weekly Fruit and Vegetable prices data set with data for week ending 26th March 2021.
To update the weekly Fruit and Vegetable prices data set with data for week ending 19th March 2021.
Edited to include week 10 (March 2021) data.
Updated the weekly Fruit and Vegetable prices data set with data for week ending 5th March 2021.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices with data for Week 8 2021.
To update the fruit and vegetable prices data sets with prices for Week 7 2021.
Edited to include data to 12/02/2021.
Updated latest wholesale fruit and vegetable price dataset.
Updated the weekly Fruit and Vegetable prices data set with data for week ending 29 January 2021.
Edited to include data for week ending 22nd January 2021.
To update the weekly Fruit and Vegetable prices data set with data for week beginning 11th January 2021.
To update the weekly Fruit and Vegetable prices data set with data for week beginning 4th January 2021.
To update the weekly Fruit and Vegetable prices data set with data for week beginning 14th December 2020.
Updated to include data to 11/12/2020.
To update the weekly Fruit and Vegetable prices data set with data for 7th December 2020.
To update the weekly fruit and vegetable prices data set with data for 30th November 2020.
To update the weekly Fruit and Vegetable prices data set with data for 23rd November 2020.
Edited with updated datasets.
To update the weekly Fruit and Vegetable prices data set with data for 9th November 2020.
To update the weekly Fruit and Vegetable prices data set with data for 2nd November 2020.
To update the weekly Fruit and Vegetable prices data set with data for 26th October 2020.
To update the weekly Fruit and Vegetable prices data set with data for 19th October 2020.
Weekly update of fruit and veg prices
Edited with updated weekly data.
Edited with updated weekly data.
Edited old datasets to include prices w/e 19/09/2020. Added machine readable formatted file.
Edited all datasets - includes prices for week ending 12 September 2020.
Added latest wholesale fruit and vegetable prices datasets.
Updated weekly datasets.
Updated weekly datasets.
Updated all datasets to include prices for week 33 of 2020.
Updated all datasets with current weekly prices.
Updated with latest weekly datasets.
Edited all files with updated gladioli price due to receipt of new survey data.
Edited all datasets - now include data for week 30, 2020.
Added latest wholesale fruit and vegetable price datasets.
Updated with weekly datasets.
Updated datasets, prices up to 2 July 2020.
Added latest wholesale fruit and vegetable price datasets.
A minor error was identified in the price of peas (shelling all varieties) for weeks 22 and 23. These weekly datasets correct the error and replace those issued on the 22 June 2020.
Replaced datasets with latest weekly prices.
Updated with latest datasets.
Added latest wholesale fruit and vegetable price datasets.
Updated weekly datasets.
Updated with latest information - all datasets
Added latest wholesale fruit and vegetable prices datasets.
Added latest wholesale fruit and vegetable price datasets.
Updated all datasets with week ending 1 May 2020 prices.
Added latest wholesale fruit and vegetable price datasets.
Updated all datasets with current week data.
Added latest wholesale fruit and vegetable price datasets.
Added latest weekly prices.
Updated all datasets to include latest prices.
Updated with latest commodity prices.
Added new wholesale fruit and vegetable price datasets.
Updated with latest commodity prices.
Updated with latest prices.
Added latest wholesale fruit and vegetable price datasets.
Updated with latest prices.
Added latest wholesale fruit and vegetable price datasets.
Updated with latest prices.
Updated with latest prices.
Added latest wholesale fruit and vegetable price datasets.
Added latest wholesale fruit and vegetable price datasets.
Updated with latest prices.
Added latest wholesale fruit and vegetable prices datasets.
Updated with latest commodity prices.
Added latest weekly average wholesale horticultural produce market prices datasets.
Updated with latest prices.
Added latest weekly average wholesale horticultural produce market prices.
Updated with latest prices.
Datasets updated with latest weekly price data.
Updated with latest wholesale prices.
Added latest weekly average wholesale market prices of horticultural produce datasets.
Updated with latest prices.
Added latest current week and weekly time series wholesale fruit and vegetable prices.
Updated with latest prices.
Added the latest current week wholesale prices and weekly time series wholesale prices for fruit and vegetables.
Updated with latest prices.
Added current and weekly time series datasets.
Updated with latest wholesale fruit & vegetable prices.
Edited all datasets, to include latest prices.
Added weekly average wholesale fruit and vegetable prices datasets.
Updated with latest prices.
Added latest weekly fruit and vegetable prices datasets.
Added latest prices data.
Latest weekly prices have been added to all datasets. Style changes to document page with page now consolidated with the commodity price collection.
Added weekly prices, week ending the 12th of July.
Updated with latest prices.
Latest weekly prices have been added to all datasets.
Updated all data sets.
Updated all datasets.
Updated weekly datasets.
Updated weekly datasets.
Updated with latest weekly datasets.
Updated all datasets with latest weekly prices.
Updated weekly datasets.
Amended current week datasets.
Updated weekly datasets.
Latest weekly prices published.
Correction of minor error on all datasets and addition of a footnote.
Updated all datasets with latest weekly prices.
Updated with latest weekly datasets.
Updated with weekly datasets.
Updated with weekly datasets.
Updated weekly datasets.
Updated with weekly datasets.
Updated with latest weekly fruit and vegetable prices.
Updated latest datasets.
Updated with latest datasets.
Replaced weekly datasets to include week ending 15 February 2019 data.
Updated all files, with latest weekly price information.
Updated all datasets with latest weekly data.
Updated with latest datasets.
Updated all datasets with latest weekly prices.
Updated all datasets with latest weekly prices.
Updated weekly datasets.
Updated all datasets with latest weekly prices.
Updated all datasets with latest weekly price information.
Added prices for latest week,
Updated with latest weekly datasets.
Updated with latest weekly datasets.
Updated weekly datasets.
Updated weekly datatsets.
All datasets updated with latest weekly prices.
Updated to include prices for week 42, 2018.
Updated with latest weekly statistical release and dataset,
Updated with latest weekly datasets.
Updated weekly datasets.
Updated weekly datasets.
Updated weekly datasets, available in both excel '.xls' and open document '.ods' formats.
Updated weekly datasets.
Updated with week 35 datasets.
Reverted to Week 34 datasets.
Updated weekly fruit and vegetable price datasets to week 35.
Updated with latest datasets.
Updated with latest datasets.
Updated with latest datasets.
Updated with latest datasets.
Published today, latest average weekly wholesale prices of selected home-grown horticultural produce in England
Updated with latest datasets.
Updated both datasets with latest prices.
Updated both datasets with latest prices.
Updated both datasets with latest prices.
Updated prices.
Updated both datasets with week 24 prices.
Updated with prices for week
Updated weekly datasets and noted change from Liverpool to Manchester wholesale markets.
Updated both datasets with week 21 prices.
Updated both datasets with week 20 prices.
Updated both series with week 19 prices.
Updated with latest weekly prices.
Updated with week 17 2018 prices.
Updated both series with latest weekly prices.
Updates with latest datasets.
Updated prices with week 14 data.
Updated both datasets with end March 18 weekly prices.
Updated current and weekly datasets.
Updated both datasets.
Updated weekly datasets.
Updated both current and weekly datasets with latest weekly prices.
Updated both current and weekly datasets with latest weekly prices.
Updated weekly datasets.
Updated current and weekly prices dataset.
Updated with latest weekly prices.
Updated with latest weekly datasets.
Updated current and weekly prices dataset.
Replaced weekly and current dataset with latest data file.
Regular weekly update.
Regular weekly update.
Updated weekly prices datasets.
Updated weekly prices datasets.
Updated weekly datasets.
Updated weekly prices datasets.
Updated weekly prices datasets.
Updated weekly prices datasets.
Updated to include latest weekly prices (w/ending 27 October 2017).
Updated with weekly datasets.
Added current and weekly price datasets.
Updated weekly datasets.
Updated with regular weekly prices information, both datasets.
Latest weekly price update.
Updated with latest weekly prices and dataset.
Updated with latest weekly prices and dataset.
Updated weekly and current week datasets.
Updated weekly and current week datasets.
Updated weekly prices and dataset.
Wholesale fruit and vegetable price data published for week ending 11 August 2017, replacing the previous weekly datasets.
Wholesale fruit and vegetable price data published for w/c 7th Aug 2017
Updated with week ending 28 July prices.
Updated weekly prices and dataset.
Updated weekly prices and dataset.
Updated both datasets with latest weekly prices.
Updated weekly prices and dataset.
Updated weekly prices and dataset.
Updated weekly prices and dataset.
Updated weekly prices and dataset.
Updated weekly prices and dataset.
Updated to include latest weekly prices.
Updated weekly datasets.
Updated with latest weekly data.
Updated with latest weekly data.
Updated with latest weekly data.
Updated weekly prices datasets.
Updated datasets with week ending 14 April 2017 data.
Updated fruit and veg datasets.
Updated fruit and veg datasets.
Updated fruit and veg datasets.
Updated with latest datasets.
Updated current and weekly datasets.
Updated datasets with latest weekly prices.
Updated current and weekly datasets.
Updated current and weekly datasets.
Updated both datasets with latest weekly prices.
Updated current and weekly datasets.
Updated both datasets with latest weekly prices.
Updated both datasets with latest weekly prices.
Updated both datesets with latest weekly prices.
Updated current and weekly datasets.
Reattached files to page.
First published.