2011 Rural Urban Classification for Local Authorities
2011 Rural Urban Classification of Local Authority Districts and other higher level geographies
Applies to England
The 2011 Rural Urban Classification defines areas as rural if they fall outside of areas forming settlements with populations of at least 10,000.
When data are not available at a small enough geographical scale, it may be possible to apply the Local Authority Rural Urban Classification. This classification categorises local authority districts and unitary authorities on a six point scale from rural to urban. Local Authority Districts are categorised as rural or urban based on the share of their resident population that live in rural areas.
The number of Local Authorities that are now classed as rural has reduced compared with the 2001 classification. When applying the classification for statistical purposes it is important to note that a Local Authority that is classed as urban will contain rural areas and vice versa.
Interim results identifying rural hub towns to be used in the 2011 Local Authority Classification was published separately in May 2014.
Additional information:
- Rural urban classification lookup tables for all small area geographies, local authority districts, and other higher level geographies
- Rural urban classifications of other higher level geographies via the ONS Open Geography portal
Defra statistics: rural
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Updates to this page
Additional description of the 2011 Local Authority Rural Urban Classification added to the page description.
We’ve changed how we’ve organised rural statistics and updated the content following Lord Cameron’s review of rural proofing.
Rural Urban Classification leaflet now available for Local Authority Districts in England.
2011 Rural-Urban Classification of Local Authority Districts is now available.
First published.