Accredited official statistics

Abortion statistics for England and Wales: 2020

Statistics and commentary on abortions carried out in 2020.

Applies to England and Wales


Abortion statistics 2020: data tables

Abortion statistics 2020: clinic data tables

Abortion statistics 2020: additional tables


This report sets out and comments on abortion statistics in England and Wales for 2020 and provides an update to the abortion statistics during the coronavirus pandemic: January to June 2020

The statistics are obtained from the abortion notification forms returned to the chief medical officers of England and Wales.

Updates to this page

Published 10 June 2021
Last updated 4 May 2022 show all updates
  1. Replaced the attachment 'Abortion statistics 2020: freedom of information and other data releases' with an updated version.

  2. Updated 'Freedom of information and other data releases' to include 3 new requests: a) 13/12/2021 1) Legal abortions: residents of England, seen in clinic, percentage, October to December 2020 2) Legal abortions: residents of England, gestation under 10 weeks, seen in clinic, percentage, October to December 2020 3) Legal abortions: residents of England, home use, provider, October to December 2020 4) Legal abortions: residents of England, provider, percentage, October to December 2020 b) FOI-1377376 1) Table 1: Number of mentions by medical condition of legal abortions performed under ground E pre 24 weeks (alone or with other conditions) for residents of England and Wales, for 2018, 2019 and 2020 2) Table 2: Number of mentions by medical condition of legal abortions performed under ground E at 24 weeks and over (alone or with other conditions) for residents of England and Wales, in England and Wales, for 2018, 2019, 2020 3) Table 3: Number of legal abortions performed under ground E (alone or with other conditions) by gestation (week by week where possible) for residents of England and Wales, for 2018, 2019, 2020 c) 22/12/2021 1) Legal abortions: purchaser, gestation weeks and Sexual Health Indicator by Clinical Commissioning Group (England) and Locality Office (Wales) of residence, 2020 2) Legal abortions: method of abortion and repeat abortions, all ages, under 25, and 25 and over by Clinical Commissioning Group (England) and Locality Office (Wales) of residence, 2020 3) Legal abortions: purchaser, gestation weeks and Sexual Health Indicator by Local Authority, England, 2020 4) Legal abortions: method of abortion and repeat abortions, all ages, aged under 25, and aged 25 and over by Local Authority, England, residents, 2020

  3. Updated 'Freedom of information and other data releases' to include 1 new request: 1) FOI-1350177 a) Legal abortions: gestation (weeks) and method, residents of England and Wales, 2018 to 2020 b) Legal abortions: gestation (weeks) and method, by month, residents of England and Wales, 2020

  4. Updated to add the pre-release access lists: abortion statistics, England and Wales, 2020.

  5. Added new spreadsheet: 'Abortion statistics 2020: clinic data tables'. Updated 'Abortion statistics 2020: freedom of information and other data releases' to include 2 new requests: 1) Legal abortions: number of abortions where the woman has a recorded residential postcode the same as that of a prison by gestation, residents of England and Wales, 2020 2) Legal abortions: number of abortions by age (over 20 years), all abortions, England and Wales, 2020, and legal abortions: number of abortions by ethnicity, all abortions, 2020.

  6. Added new document 'Abortion statistics 2020: freedom of information and other data releases'. This includes 5 requests: 1) FOI-1334356: Legal abortions: by age (under 16 years), residents of England and Wales, 2020 2) a) Abortion rate per 1,000 women, by age and index of multiple deprivation (IMD) decile, Wales, 2020 b) Abortion rate per 1,000 women by IMD decile, Wales, 2020 c) Legal abortions: rates by region and IMD, residents of Wales, 2020 d) Legal abortions: residents of Northern Ireland, abortions performed in England and Wales, 2020 3) FOI-1336605: Legal abortions: numbers by parity (number of previous pregnancies resulting in live or still birth) and local authority (England) and locality office (Wales) of residence, 2020 4) Abortions to residents of Ireland taking place in England and Wales, 1991 to 2001 5 a) Legal abortions: under 25 years old, previous live or still birth by local authority, England, 2020 b) Legal abortions: NHS funded, under 10 weeks gestation, by local authority, England, 2020

  7. First published.

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