Official Statistics

Accessibility statistics: 2013

Information on accessibility statistics in England for 2013.


Accessibility statistics: 2013 report

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Accessibility statistics provide a local-level measure of the availability of transport to key services (covering food stores, education, health care, town centres and employment centres) for the populations who use them. They are published for England at national, regional, Local Authority and Lower Super Output Area level.

Main results

In 2013:

  • the average minimum travel time across seven key types of service was 12 minutes by public transport or walking, 9 minutes by cycling and 6 minutes by car
  • these times were little changed from 2011 (the last time statistics for all modes were produced)
  • users in urban areas could access key services by cycling, on average, in 7 minutes compared with 17 minutes in rural areas
  • overall access to key services within a ‘reasonable’ time by cycling or by car was greatest in London and, generally, lowest in the South West

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Published 24 September 2014

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