Alcohol profile: May 2024 update
Update of indicators in the alcohol profile interactive tool.
Applies to England
The Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) has published an update to the alcohol profile.
The alcohol profile interactive tool presents a range of alcohol-related indicators and allows users to view and analyse data in a user-friendly format.
The aim of the profile is to provide information for local government, health organisations, commissioners and other agencies to monitor the impact of alcohol on local communities, and to monitor the services and initiatives that have been put in place to prevent and reduce the harmful impact of alcohol.
The following new indicator has been added to the profile and is available at local authority level as well as for England, the regions and various inequality groups:
- potential working years of life lost (PWYLL) due to alcohol-related conditions
The following indicators have been updated and are available at local authority level as well as for England, the regions and various inequality groups:
- admission episodes for alcohol-related conditions (narrow)
- admission episodes for alcohol-related conditions (broad)
- admission episodes for alcohol-specific conditions
- admission episodes for alcohol-related conditions (narrow): under 40
- admission episodes for alcohol-related conditions (narrow): 40 to 64
- admission episodes for alcohol-related conditions (narrow): 65 and over
- admission episodes for alcohol-specific conditions: under 18
- admission episodes for alcohol-related unintentional injuries (narrow)
- admission episodes for mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol (narrow)
- admission episodes for intentional self-poisoning by and exposure to alcohol (narrow)
- admission episodes for alcohol-related cardiovascular disease (broad)
- admission episodes for mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol (broad)
- admission episodes for alcoholic liver disease (broad)