Analysis of travel times on local ‘A’ roads, England: 2014
An analysis of travel times on the local ‘A’ road network for January to December 2014.
The analysis paper brings together introductory analysis of travel times on local ‘A’ roads (‘A’ roads managed by local highway authorities) in 2014. The analysis focuses on 3 travel time measures.
The 3 measures are:
- average speed
- average delay
- reliability or ‘predictability’ of travel times
The analysis presents both monthly and annual data for each of the measures and includes separate figures for urban and rural local ‘A’ roads in England.
This analysis is intended to introduce these 3 new measures to users of the local ‘A’ road statistics, and is being published in line with best practice principles. It is our intention of producing statistics of a similar nature to the ones presented in the analysis later in 2016.
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