Accredited official statistics announcement

Criminal Justice System statistics quarterly: March 2023

Overview of trends in the use of out of court disposals, defendants prosecuted, offenders convicted, remand and sentencing decisions in England and Wales.

Statistics release cancelled

As we transition to a modern data pipeline and the benefits associated with it, there will be no Q1 2023 Criminal Justice Statistics publication. This will allow us to complete a necessary transition to modern data processing methods to enable greater ownership, flexibility and functionality of the data. This will present further opportunities for more thorough, accurate and timely analysis and insight in future publications which will better serve the continuing and widening user needs. We announced this intention in the Q4 2022 publication and users have been supportive. We are working hard to produce all the existing tables and variables that we routinely publish, and this work should address several existing known issues that we document in the published tables and tools. We anticipate that the Q2 2023 publication will revise figures published in May 2023 and include new tables up to Q2 2023. Users should contact us at if they have concerns. We will keep users updated of any further changes via our published release calendar. This decision has been discussed with both the Head of Profession for Statistics in MoJ and the Office for Statistics Regulation. Moving to the new system retains our commitment to customer needs, delivering quality and value and consolidating the trustworthiness of these statistics.