Official Statistics

Learning Disability Services Monthly Statistics - AT: December 2020, MHSDS: October 2020 Final

Latest Monthly statistics from the Assuring Transformation collection and MHSDS collection



Latest Monthly statistics on Learning Disabilities and Autism (LDA) from the Assuring Transformation collection and MHSDS collection.

This publication brings together the LDA data from the Assuring Transformation collection and the LDA service specific statistics from the Mental Health Statistics Data Set (MHSDS).

There are differences in the inpatient figures between the MHSDS and AT data sets and work is underway to better understand these. NHS Digital plans to publish additional monthly comparator data from this work in future publications. The MHSDS LDA data are currently labelled experimental as they are undergoing evaluation. Further information on the quality of these statistics is available in the Data Quality section of the main report. It is planned that the MHSDS will become the sole source of inpatient LDA data in the future, replacing Assuring Transformation

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Published 21 January 2021

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