Accredited official statistics announcement

Outcomes for children looked after by LAs: 31 March 2016

A range of outcome measures at national and local authority level in England for children continuously looked after for at least 12 months. The ‘Outcomes for children looked after by local authorities: 31 March 2016’ statistical first release (SFR) and the additional outcomes tables for the ‘Characteristics of children in need: 2015 to 2016’ SFR, will be published on 23 March 2017. Changes have been made to the outcomes presented in these publications which bring them in line with the new outcome measures at key stage 1, key stage 2 and key stage 4, following the primary and secondary reforms. At key stage 1 and 2, the headline measures have changed to reflect the new curriculum and the data is not comparable with that provided for previous years; therefore, no time series information will be published this year. Similarly, no time series will be published for the new key stage 4 measures ‘Attainment 8’ and ‘Progress 8’, although a time series for those achieving 5+ GCSEs A*-C or equivalent including English and mathematics will still be published allowing some comparisons over time.

These statistics will be released on 23 March 2017 9:30am