Official Statistics

PAYE and Corporate Tax receipts from the banking sector: 2019

Statistics on PAYE Income Tax and National Insurance contributions, Bank Levy, Bank Surcharge, Corporation Tax and Bank Payroll Tax receipts from the banking sector.



This publication provides outturn statistics for Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE) Income Tax and National Insurance contributions and Corporation Tax receipts from the banking sector in the UK, and receipts of the Bank Payroll Tax, Bank Levy and Bank Surcharge.

The receipts table shows annual figures for financial years ending 2006 to 2018 on PAYE and Corporation Tax receipts from the banking sector, receipts of Bank Payroll Tax in financial year ending 2010, the Bank Levy from financial year ending 2011 onwards, and the Bank Surcharge from financial year ending 2016 onwards.

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Published 22 October 2019

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