Personal pensions statistics
The time frame for publishing personal pension statistics is changing this year. Personal pension statistics have historically been published bi-annually (with tables PEN 1, 2, 6 released in February and PEN 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 in September). There will now only be one publication per year with all personal pensions tables released at the same time in September. The last February publication of personal pensions statistics was made this year. The next release of PEN 1, 2, 6 tables for 2018/19 will be made in September 2020. These tables will still be revised for 2017/18 this September. The following tables will be published on the 26th September 2019: Revised figures for PEN 1, 2, 6 for tax year 2017/18; and PEN7 and PEN8 tables for tax year 2017/18. Tables showing individual breakdowns of Personal Pensions (PEN 3, 4, 5) will not be published as the data required for these tables is no longer available for 2017/18 onward.