Accredited official statistics announcement

Proven reoffending statistics: October to December 2017

Statistics on reoffending of offenders who were released from custody, received a non-custodial conviction, or a caution. Also includes latest statistics for Payment by Results for the National Probation Service and Community Rehabilitation Companies.

Statistics release cancelled

Over the summer, work began on expanding the Ministry of Justice’s extract of the Police National Computer to include additional information covering many years. Carrying out this upgrade will allow our statisticians to improve the analysis we are able to provide. However, given the significant work involved in processing the data and the quality assurance involved, this upgrade remains ongoing. The next Proven Reoffending statistical publication (i.e. Proven reoffending statistics: October to December 2017), which relies on the PNC to measure proven reoffending, will therefore no longer be released. The statistics which would have been included within this publication will now be presented in the annual edition of the Proven Reoffending bulletin which is scheduled for release on 30 January 2020. In the meantime, the annual Serious Further Offences statistics, usually published as an annex to the Proven Reoffending bulletin, will still be released on 31 October 2019 at