Accredited official statistics

Quarterly bus fares statistics: July to September 2022

Local bus fares statistics in Great Britain for July to September 2022.


Local bus fares index by metropolitan area status and country, quarterly: Great Britain


Statistics on local bus fares in Great Britain.

Quarterly statistics on local bus passenger journeys and fares in Great Britain

We recently stated our intention to cease the publication of the quarterly bus passenger journey estimates, effective from the Winter 2022 to 2023 quarterly release, while continuing to publish the quarterly bus fare statistics in the form of a table. We did not receive any significant feedback and therefore have enacted this change. These latest quarterly statistics include the latest quarterly fares, but not the quarterly bus passenger journey estimates.

We will continue to publish the fare statistics on a quarterly basis in the future. In addition to annual statistics on bus passenger journeys, monthly statistics on transport use across all modes are available, which include estimates of bus passenger journeys.

The local bus fares index increased by 5.0% in England between September 2021 and September 2022.

For other areas, the local bus fares index change was:

  • 5.9% increase in London
  • 1.8% increase in metropolitan areas
  • 5.8% increase in non-metropolitan areas
  • 1.7% increase in Scotland
  • 0.5% increase in Wales

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) increased by 10.1% over the same 12-month period.

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Published 31 January 2023

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