Official statistics announcement

Re-publication of National Diet and Nutrition Survey rolling programme: Results from Years 1-4 (combined) for Northern Ireland (2008/09-2011/12)

The National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS) estimates food consumption, nutrient intake and nutritional status of the general population aged 18 months upwards living in the UK. Boosted samples were gathered 2008 – 2012 in order to achieve representative data specific for Northern Ireland. The Northern Ireland boost was co-funded by three partners: the FSA, the Department of Health and safefood. The results for Northern Ireland were published on 12 February 2015 as an Official Statistic. Since publication corrections have been made to the NI NDNS chapters for years 1-4 in relation to data on salt intakes (chapter 7) and disaggregated fruit and vegetable consumption (chapters 5, 8, 9 and 10) The salt intake data for children and older adults in chapter 7 has been corrected to take account of bias in the laboratory analytical method for sodium. This correction is in line with the approach used in the 2015 Northern Ireland urinary sodium survey of adults and brings the data in this report onto a comparable basis with the data from that survey. The correction has resulted in slightly higher estimates of salt intake for the period covered by this report. Consumption estimates for fruit and vegetables, fruit juice and “5-A-Day” portions, including composite dishes, have been corrected for an error in which food groups which should have been excluded from the 5-A-Day calculation were mistakenly included. These were: soft drinks, confectionery, biscuits, cakes, sugar, preserves (including jam) and sweet spreads, savoury snacks and ice cream. The corrected values for Years 1-4 are therefore slightly lower than the values originally published but the overall conclusions on fruit and vegetable consumption are unchanged.

These statistics will be released on 29 August 2017 9:30am