Official Statistics

Regional trade in goods statistics disaggregated by smaller geographical areas: 2019

International trade in goods data at summary product and country level, by UK areas smaller than NUTS1.



HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) collects the UK’s international trade in goods data, which are published as two National Statistics series - the ‘Overseas Trade in Goods Statistics (OTS)’ and the ‘Regional Trade in Goods Statistics (RTS)’. The RTS are published quarterly showing trade at summary product and country level, split by UK regions and devolved administrations. This release provides statistics for 2019 calendar year. It breaks down the RTS into smaller UK geographical areas. RTS data and related products are categorised by partner country and Standard International Trade Classification, Rev.4 (SITC).

In this release data is analysed mainly at partner country and SITC section (1-digit) level. The collection and publication methodology for the RTS and this release is available on

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Published 5 November 2020

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