Support for Mortgage Interest statistics May 2018 to November 2024
Official statistics in development on the numbers in receipt of Support for Mortgage Interest loans.
Applies to England, Scotland and Wales
Data for households in receipt of Support for Mortgage Interest (SMI) loans is available in Stat-Xplore on a quarterly basis.
These quarterly official statistics in development include:
- the number of households who are currently in receipt of the support
- the number who have received SMI loans so far
See the background information and methodology note for an explanation of households.
The statistics are broken down by:
- Quarter
- Country, Region
- Qualifying Benefit
Background information
Read the background information and methodology note for guidance on these statistics, such as timeliness and interpretation.
Help us improve the statistics
Please complete this short survey to help us make the statistics better.
We welcome all feedback on the content, relevance, accessibility and timing of these statistics to help us in producing statistics that meet user needs. For non-media enquiries on these statistics email:
For media enquiries please contact the DWP press office.
Next releases
Support for Mortgage Interest statistics are published quarterly. The dates for future releases are listed in the statistics release calendar.
Pre-release access
In addition to staff who are responsible for the production and quality assurance of the statistics, up to 24-hour pre-release access is provided to ministers and other officials. We publish the job titles and organisations of the people who have been granted up to 24-hour pre-release access to the latest Support for Mortgage Interest statistics.