Apprenticeship and levy statistics: December 2018
Statistics covering apprenticeship starts, apprenticeship service registrations and commitments.
Applies to England
This publication provides headline statistics on the use of the apprenticeship service.
The updated statistics in this publication are:
- apprenticeship service account registrations (ASAs) to November 2018
- number of commitments, where an apprentice who is expected to start an apprenticeship is recorded on the apprenticeship service (to November 2018)
- the number of apprenticeship service commitments arising through a transfer (to November 2018)
Additionally, this release contains the following statistics that were first published last month in the Apprenticeship and levy statistics: November 2018 statistics publication.
- finalised monthly apprenticeship starts for the full academic year 2017 to 2018 along with further breakdowns
- an estimate of expected off-the-job training hours
- public sector apprenticeship ‘indicative ratios’ held on the Individualised Learner Record
- tables and measures providing insight of the impact of apprenticeship reforms
For more further education (FE) statistics, please refer to the FE and skills statistics publication, and the FE data library.
We may adjust the content and timing of these statistics, depending on user feedback and data reporting.
Further education statistical dissemination team
Matthew Rolfe
Department for Education
2 St Paul’s Place
125 Norfolk Street
S1 2FJ