Level 2 and 3 attainment by young people aged 19 in 2012
The attainment of young people aged 19 in the 2011 to 2012 academic year.
Applies to England
Reference Id: SFR13/2013
Publication type: Statistical First Release
Publication data: Local Authority data
Local Authority data: LA data
Region: England
Release date: 27 March 2013
Coverage status: Final
Publication Status: Published
Statistics on level 2 and 3 attainment by age 19 are published as ‘Level 2 and 3 attainment by young people in England measured using matched administrative data: attainment by age 19 in 2012’ and include data from England covering overall level 2 and 3 attainment by age, cohort, qualification type, and institution type. It also includes breakdowns by gender, ethnicity, special educational needs (SEN) and eligibility for free school meals (FSM) for those in state schools at age 15, and measures for attainment of level 2 English and maths. Local authority data is available for both overall level 2 and 3 and breakdowns by FSM.
The latest statistics report on the period up to 2011 to 2012 and update those previously released on 19 April 2012. The main points are:
- Attainment of level 2 or higher and level 3 by age 19 continued to rise between 2011 and 2012, albeit at a slower rate than in the previous few years. In 2012, 85.1% of 19-year-olds were qualified to level 2 or higher, and 57.9% were qualified to level 3.
- The gap in attainment at 19 between those formerly eligible for free school meals (FSM) at academic age 15 and those not eligible closed at each of level 2, level 2 with English and maths, and level 3.
- Attainment of level 2 (GCSE A* to C or equivalent) in English and maths by age 19 rose from 61.4% in 2011 to 63.3% in 2012.
- The progression rate in English and maths between 16 and 19. The proportion of young people who failed to achieve GCSE A* to C or equivalent in English and maths at age 16 who had achieved both by age 19 fell from 18.9% to 18.4% between 2011 and 2012, having previously been on a rising trend. When looking at GCSE A* to C alone, the progression rate in English and maths continued to increase, from 9.1% in 2011 to 10.1% in 2012.