Benefit expenditure and caseload tables 2015
Historic and forecast benefit expenditure and caseload data for people receiving benefits.
Applies to England, Scotland and Wales
Outturn and forecast tables
Outturn and forecast: Autumn Statement 2015 tables are consistent with the Autumn Statement 2015 economic and fiscal outlook – 25 November 2015
Outturn and forecast: Summer Budget 2015 tables are consistent with the Summer Budget 2015 economic and fiscal outlook – 8 July 2015
Outturn and forecast: March Budget 2015 tables are consistent with the March Budget 2015 economic and fiscal outlook – 18 March 2015.
These tables are produced under the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding with the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR). They reflect the government’s delivery plans, and the OBR’s additional judgments as set out in their economic and fiscal outlook.
Benefit expenditure outturn tables
These tables are consistent with the Summer Budget 2015:
- Benefit expenditure by country and region, 2000/01 to 2014/15
- Benefit expenditure by Parliamentary constituency, 2000/01 to 2014/15
- Benefit expenditure by local authority, 2000/01 to 2014/15
- DLA expenditure by reported medical condition and rate paid, 2000/01 to 2014/15
- ESA expenditure by reported medical condition and phase of claim, 2000/01 to 2014/15
- Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit expenditure by local authority, 1996/97 to 2014/15
- State Pension expenditure by country of residence, 1995/96 to 2014/15
- Gross benefit expenditure by month, 2013/14 and 2014/15
Updates have been made to the country and region expenditure tables to reflect expenditure for Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit only as some elements of other Industrial Injuries previously included will not be devolved and are not available by country or region. The total coverage tables in the country and region, local authority and Parliamentary constituency tables have also been updated to reflect this change.
Long-term projections of pensioner benefits
These tables update projections of pensioner benefit expenditure published in July 2014. These projections include the new State Pension reforms which became law as part of the Pensions Act 2014. They are consistent with the projections published by the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) in the 2015 fiscal sustainability report published on 11 June 2015. These projections do not, however, take account of the 2014-based population projections published by the Office for National Statistics in October 2015.
More information
Historic expenditure figures may differ from those published in the accounts due to differing definitions and the inclusion of data that has become available since. Historic caseload data also comes from statistical reports, although may differ from published figures because these tables provide estimates for financial years, rather than point-in-time figures. Some historical information may differ from that previously published where:
- new information has become available
- methods for estimating expenditure have been improved
Forecasts use a number of techniques appropriate to the particular benefits, taking into account demographic, economic, social and policy factors.
DWP is currently investigating a discrepancy with the medical condition and International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes for:
- Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
- Incapacity Benefit (IB)
- Severe Disablement Allowance (SDA)
While we assess the scale of this issue we have removed the ‘ESA expenditure by reported medical condition and phase of claim 2010/11 to 2014/15’ tables.
When the tables are updated they will only be published on the tables page for 2017 as these will be based on the most up to date information.
Updates to this page
Removed data tables for 'ESA expenditure by reported medical condition and phase of claim 2010/11 to 2014/15', due to issues with the underlying data used in the tables.
Updated labelling in 'Benefit expenditure by country and region, 1996/97 to 2014/15' tables.
Updated 'Outturn and forecast: Autumn Statement 2015' spreadsheet. Correction to unemployment benefit caseloads for 1996/97 to reflect move to Jobseeker's Allowance and correction to total formula for unemployment benefits sheet.
Updated the outturn and forecast tables for the Autumn Statement 2015 to revise the proportions of Disability Living Allowance (DLA) working age and pensioner expenditure, the total DLA expenditure is unchanged.
Added 'Outturn and forecast: Autumn Statement 2015' tables. Also updated 'Benefit expenditure by country and region, 2000/01 to 2014/15', 'Benefit expenditure by Parliamentary constituency, 2000/01 to 2014/15' and 'Benefit expenditure by local authority, 2000/01 to 2014/15' tables.
Amended the 2014/15 Pension Credit expenditure across local authorities in the 'Benefit expenditure by local authority 2000/01 to 2014/15' and 'Benefit expenditure by country and region, 1996/97 to 2014/15' tables.
Updated 'Outturn and forecast: Summer Budget 2015' document with revised 2015/16 ESA forecast data. Added the following new documents: 'Benefit expenditure by region, 1996/97 to 2014/15', 'Benefit expenditure by Parliamentary constituency, 2000/01 to 2014/15', 'Benefit expenditure by local authority, 2000/01 to 2014/15', 'DLA expenditure by reported medical condition and rate paid, 1992/93 to 2014/15', 'ESA expenditure by reported medical condition and phase of claim, 2010/11 to 2014/15', 'Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit expenditure by local authority, 1996/97 to 2014/15', 'State Pension expenditure by country of residence, 1995/96 to 2014/15', and 'Gross benefit expenditure by month, 2013/14 and 2014/15'.
Added outturn and forecast tables for the Summer Budget 2015.
Added long-term projections pension benefits report and tables - June 2015.
Replaced Outturn and forecast: Budget 2015 tables with updated version – now includes detailed expenditure and caseload breakdowns by benefit.
First published.