UK Biodiversity indicators
This release provides evidence towards meeting the Global Biodiversity Framework goals and targets.
Biodiversity is the variety of all life on Earth: genes, species and ecosystems. It includes all species of animals and plants, and the natural systems that support them. Biodiversity matters because it supports the vital benefits humans get from the natural environment. It contributes to the economy, health and well-being, and it enriches our lives.
The 2024 publication of the Biodiversity Indicators provides a full update of all indicators for which new data are available. We have also improved the way in which we publish the indicators, and set out development plans for most of the indicators, on which we welcome feedback from users.
Some of the indicators previously published in the England Biodiversity Indicator suite duplicated indicators published in the UK suite, and data only exists at the UK or GB scale. These indicators have not been reproduced in the England suite this year, but links to the relevant UK indicator have been provided.
Updates to this page
Annual update.
Annual update November 2023.
Major amendments to the text of the landing page.
Amendments to links to blog article and summary of the review.
Annual update.
Typos in the review summary amended.
Attachment added detailing Defra and Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) review of Biodiversity Indicators.
Booklet updated and text amended.
Link to the UK Biodiversity Indicators page on the JNCC website corrected.
Revisions made.
2021 edition published.
Annual update including 2020 Biodiversity Indicators data for the UK.
Revisions to four indicators.
Annual update.
2018 update published.
Revision to UK Biodiversity Indicators booklet.
This is the 2017 update to the report on UK progress towards meeting the biodiversity goals and targets ‘the Aichi targets’ agreed in 2010.
Update to publication: Indicator C9a: Animal Genetic Resources was corrected and updated 30 November 2016
Updated publication.
Publication of the UK biodiversity indicators delayed until 19 January 2016 due to statistical reasons.
UK biodiversity indicators for 2014 published
2013 edition
First published.