Accredited official statistics
BIS Quarterly Construction Price and Cost Indices: Quarter 4 2012
Department for Business, Innovation & Skills (BIS) quarterly constuction price and cost indices for the 4th quarter 2012.
Headline results
- the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) Output Price Index for New Construction (2010): All New Construction (COPI) for 4th Quarter 2012 rose 0.4% on the previous quarter and by 2.6% on the same quarter a year earlier
- the BIS Tender Price Index for Public Sector Non-Housing (PUBSEC) for 4th Quarter 2012 fell 1.7% on the previous quarter and remained unchanged from 4th quarter 2011
- the BIS Tender Price Index of Social Housing (TPISH) shows a rise of 0.5% compared with the previous quarter and a rise of 3.2% compared with the same quarter a year earlier
- the BIS Tender Price Index of Road Construction (ROADCON) shows a fall of 2.2% compared with the previous quarter and a fall of 0.6% compared with the same quarter a year earlier
- the BIS Resource Cost Indices for the Building Sectors, both Housing and Non-Housing, in the 4th Quarter 2012 show fairly stable costs
- the BIS Resource Cost Indices for Infrastructure, both Roads and Infrastructure generally, have increased slightly compared to the previous quarter and show increases of 3.0% and 1.4% respectively compared with the same period in 2011