Breastfeeding at 6 to 8 weeks: data for 2024 to 2025
Quarterly and annual data sets about the number and proportion of infants who have been fully, partially or not at all breastfed at 6 to 8 weeks.
Applies to England
Quarter 1 and quarter 2 official statistics on breastfeeding prevalence at 6 to 8 weeks. Information is presented at local authority of residence, region and England level.
The data was collected through an interim reporting system, Children’s public health 0 to 5 years: national reporting, set up to collect health visiting activity data at a local authority resident level. Data is submitted by local authorities on a voluntary basis.
The Community Services Data Set (CSDS) will be used as the basis for these metrics in the longer term, once the data quality has reached a suitable quality.
Local authority commissioners and health professionals can use these resources to track how many infants in their local area are breastfed.
Quarterly figures are provisional and subject to revision, and they are released for the purpose of providing timely figures. The most recently published file supersedes any previously published files.
Quarter 3 and quarter 4 and annual data will be added to this page as they are released.