Cereal stocks
Stocks of cereals held on farm in England and Wales
Applies to England and Wales
This publication gives tonnages of wheat, barley and oats stocks held on farms in England and Wales. The data is updated twice a year, data collection beginning in February and June each year with results usually published in May and August. The metadata section of the report provides more information about the survey and methods used.
Grain is a globally traded commodity and supply and demand is influenced by international markets. Stocks are an important measure of grain availability and a key component of UK cereals supply and demand balance sheets. The stocks at the end of June in any particular year form the opening stocks for the following season.
Cereal stocks - historical editions.
The next update will be announced on the research and statistics webpage on gov.uk.
Defra statistics: farming
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Updates to this page
Update dataset to June 2024.
Updated dataset up to February 2024.
Added a link on the landing page to the statistics release calendar.
Uploaded dataset up to June for Cereal stocks.
Edited dataset, includes statistics to February 2023.
Added June 2022 statistics. Updates to all tables and charts.
Updated to include 2022 data.
Updated cereal stocks held on farm dataset with statistics to June 2021. Also updated the content on the web page and removed historical statistic notices and datasets to the web page: historic statistic notices on cereal stocks.
Edited cereal stocks dataset, to included February 2021 statistics.
Replaced cereal stocks held on farms dataset with updated accessible copy, removed xls version.
Added latest farm cereal stocks dataset.
Replaced cereal stocks datasets, figures to June 2019 included.
Updated Cereal stocks held on farm dataset.
Updated cereal stocks - farm dataset.
Updated Statistical Notice and 'Cereal stocks held in ports, co-ops and merchants' dataset to reflect that Defra will not be publishing an update to that published 31 August 2017.
Updated cereal stocks - farm dataset.
The Statistical Notice published 31 August 2017 is the final publication of this series by Defra. Further publications and datasets will be published by the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB)
Updated to include figures to the end of June 2017, statistic notice, datasets and methodology report
Updated cereal stocks held on farm dataset.
Updated to include figures to the end of June 2016, statistic notice, datasets and methodology report.
Updates to statistical notice, data and methodology paper.
Updated cereal stocks notice and dataset 2015.
Updated cereal stocks.
Update to statistical release.
Percentage changes in Table 1 of the statistics notice and the farm stocks data set corrected.
Minor correction to text in the statistics notice.
Updated to include June 2013 stocks.
Updated with information to the end of February 2013.
First published.