Official Statistics

Proposed changes to the 2012/13 Households Below Average Income publication

Statistical notice giving details on the proposed changes to the 2012 to 2013 Households Below Average Income publication.


Statistical notice: Proposed changes to the Households Below Average Income publication

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This Statistical notice gives details on the proposed changes to the 2012 to 2013 Households Below Average Income (HBAI) publication.

In order to focus our publication on commentary and analysis that aid interpretation, we propose to produce one report, including commentary, charts and summary tables instead of a separate First Release and report as is currently produced. The report would be shorter than the existing one, and would focus on commenting on and analysing the main findings.

All the existing tables contained within the PDF of the report will still be published as excel spreadsheets on the relevant HBAI statistics pages, alongside the new summary tables.

This notice also invites users to provide views and comments on the proposed changes.

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Published 28 January 2014

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