Characteristics of children in need: 2018 to 2019
Statistics on children referred to and assessed by children's social services for the year ending 31 March 2019.
Applies to England
Information on:
- children in need of social services
- children referred to social services
- assessments undertaken, primary need at assessment and factors identified at the end of assessment
- section 47 enquiries (a local authority carries out one of these if they suspect a child is suffering, or likely to suffer, significant harm) and initial child protection conferences
- children who were the subject of a child protection plan
These statistics are based on child-level data collected via the children in need census.
The outcomes tables show figures that result from matching the children in need census to the national pupil database (NPD). These tables show children in need by:
- free school meals (FSM)
- special educational needs (SEN)
- attainment
- absence
- exclusions
- destinations
The outcomes methodology document explains the matching process and calculations used in these tables.