Charitable Giving Indicators 2009/10
This report contains the total amount of charitable giving received by DCMS-funded cultural institutions, and compares it to government funding.
This report contains the total amount of charitable giving received by DCMS-funded cultural institutions, and also presents this charitable giving as a ratio of grant-in-aid. These are DCMS impact and input indicators respectively.
21 July 2011
Period covered:
2008/09 and 2009/10
Next release date:
These statistics are derived from the statutory accounts of Arts Council England, British Film Institute, British Library, English Heritage, and the National Museums and Galleries. The source used for the Arts Council England’s Regularly Funded Organisations (RFOs) is the RFO Annual Submission.
What we’re publishing
Alongside the main report, we have published a table which provides an individual breakdown of charitable giving for each cultural institution DCMS Funds.