Child and Working Tax Credits error and fraud statistics 2014 to 2015
This report presents the latest findings from the 2014 to 2015 Error and Fraud Analytical Programme, which measures error and fraud in the tax credits system.
This report presents the latest findings from the 2014 to 2015 Error and Fraud Analytical Programme, which measures error and fraud in the tax credits system.
Estimates for 2014 to 2015 have been revised and were re-published on 20 April 2018. This is in line with our published revisions policy of releasing revised statistics if additional information on the cases sampled leads to a change of 0.2 percentage points or more in the rate of error and fraud.
For 2014 to 2015, the revised central estimate of the rate of error and fraud favouring the customer is around 4.4%, revised down from 4.8% published 2 years ago. This equates to around £1.25 billion paid out incorrectly through error and fraud, revised down from around £1.37 billion. These are downward revisions of 0.4 percentage points and £120 million respectively.
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Published 7 June 2016Last updated 20 April 2018 + show all updates
A revision to the 2014 to 2015 Error and Fraud statistics.
First published.