Childcare providers and inspections as at 31 August 2018
This release includes registered childcare providers and places, inspection outcomes, and joiners and leavers as at 31 August 2018.
Applies to England
These childcare providers and inspections statistics are made up of:
- main findings in HTML, Word and PDF formats
- summary tables and charts in Excel format
- individual provider-level and inspection-level data in ODS format
- methodology and quality report in PDF format
- pre-release access list in PDF format
Official statistics are produced impartially and free from political influence.
Updates to this page
We have made revisions to the ODS data files to redact details for a small number of providers in response to changes to consent arrangements.
Updated the main findings, methodology and pre-release access list PDF documents to an accessible format.
The Excel charts and tables file has been republished for this release. A minor change has been made in the underlying formulae in Table 2. This corrects an error affecting the filters for this table. This amendment has not changed the underlying data for this release.
The main findings, Excel charts and tables files and ODS underlying data files have been republished for this release. This is due to minor corrections to the data in our administrative system which affect our underlying data files and consequently our charts and tables. These revisions did not result in any changes to the analysis in the main findings which accompanies this release.
In July 2018, Ofsted early years registration and inspection data was migrated to a new administrative database system. We have since identified technical issues with the mapping of some of the data relating to inspection actions. As a result, we have temporarily removed Table 10, pending further investigation.
First published.