Children's Social Care data in England 2019
Inspection data and information about the providers and places of children’s social care in England and inspection outcomes for local authority children’s services.
These statistics covering children’s social care in England are made up of:
- main findings in HTML, PDF and Word format
- tables, charts and individual provider-level data in Excel format
The data covers:
- inspection outcomes for local authority (LA) children’s services inspections from 1 November 2013, covering all inspections published by 30 April 2019
- the number of providers of children’s social care, and the numbers of places they are registered for, as at 31 March 2019
- the most recent inspections and outcomes for all regulated and inspected children’s social care provisions, as at 31 March 2019, and published by 30 April 2019
- outcomes for all regulated and inspected children’s social care provision inspections conducted between 1 April 2018 and 31 March 2019, and published by 30 April 2019
The release combines the Ofsted official statistics on:
- children’s homes inspections and outcomes
- children’s social care (excluding children’s homes) inspections and outcomes
- social care providers and places
- local authority children’s services inspections and outcomes
Official statistics are produced impartially and free from political influence.