Civil Justice statistics quarterly: January to March 2019
Volume of civil and judicial review cases dealt with by the courts over time and the overall timeliness of these cases. Also includes further annual data on Judicial Reviews and annual data on activity in the Royal Courts of Justice.
This report presents the latest statistics on the type and volume of civil county court cases that are received and processed through the justice system of England and Wales in January to March 2019. It also includes the number of judicial review cases processed by the High Court in 2018 and the number of Royal Courts of Justice cases.
The RCJ annual judge sitting days tables (5.1, 5.2 and 5.3) were withdrawn on 5 September 2019, due to data discrepancies that were discovered after publication on 6 June 2019. Inconsistences were found with the source data including some incorrect classifications in the data supplied to the statistics team. Thorough checks are being carried out to establish whether all data inconsistencies have been identified. The Chief Statistician and Head of Profession has decided to withdraw these tables whilst investigations are on-going. The discrepancies are of significant impact that to keep them in the public domain as they are would be misleading. Revised figures will be published in due course, once the discrepancies found have been corrected. The table in its current form is still available in earlier additions of this publication (previous years January to March Civil Justice publications) and we would advise not using the earlier edition of these figures.
Updates to this page
Changes have been made to the annual RCJ tables. Table 3.28 has been updated and now includes 2018 figures. However the judge sitting days tables (5.1, 5.2 and 5.3) have temporarily been withdrawn, due to data discrepancy reasons. Further details can be found in the annual RCJ tables, where these tables were originally published (tab 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3).
First published.