Accredited official statistics

Civil Data Visualisation Tool

Published 6 March 2025

Applies to England and Wales

1. Introduction

The tool has been developed as part of wider work on improving data visualisation and accessibility for Civil courts statistics. The tool is designed to provide further breakdown to the analysis in the Civil statistics quarterly publication and sits on top of the data tables and associated csv files. The tool provides users with the capability to:

  • interrogate the published information easily at a lower level of detail, e.g. by county court;

  • self-serve by accessing and producing charts and tables to user specification and requirements;

This tool shows the progress of cases through county courts and contains more granular data from tables 1_1 to 1_8 in the civil quarterly statistics publication.

2. The data visualisation tool

The tool can be found here:

Civil Power BI dashboard

3. How to send us your feedback

We welcome any comments or feedback about the tool, including your views on how the tool can be improved. Enquiries and feedback should be directed to Civil and Administrative Justice Statistics using the details below:



Rita Kumi-Ampofo
Head of Access to Justice Statistics

Data and Evidence as a Service

Ministry of Justice 3rd Floor

10 South Colonnade


E14 4QQ