Official Statistics

Community Life Survey 2020/21 - Neighbourhood and Community

Analysis of questions from the Community Life Survey 2020/21 related to Neighbourhood and Community

Applies to England




The Community Life Survey collects information about the way adults (16+) perceive their neighbourhood and community.

Headline Measures – 2020/21

  • 37% of respondents (approximately 17 million people in England) agreed that they borrow from, and exchange favours with, their neighbours which was in line with 2019/20. This measure however was statistically significantly lower than in 2013/14, when data was first collected (42%, approximately 23 million people).

  • 83% of respondents (approximately 38 million people in England) agreed that their area is a place where people from different backgrounds get on well together. This was in line with the 2019/20 figure.

  • 79% of respondents (approximately 36 million people in England) were satisfied with their local area as a place to live, a statistically significant increase than in 2019/20 (76%).

  • 65% of respondents (approximately 30 million people in England) felt they belonged to their neighbourhood. This was inline with the 2019/20 figure.

  • 84% of respondents (approximately 38 million people in England) felt they belonged to Britain. This was inline with the 2019/20 figure.

  • 65% of respondents (approximately 30 million people in England) agreed that people in their neighbourhood pull together to improve the neighbourhood. This is statistically significantly higher than in 2019/20 (59%) and the highest agreement recorded since the CLS began in 2013/14.

Further data

Social capital headline indicators, which presents data on subjects including the opinions of respondents about their neighbourhood

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Published 29 July 2021

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