Company Insolvency Statistics, January to March 2019
Statistics on new company insolvencies in England and Wales, and related statistics for Scotland and Northern Ireland.
This statistics release contains the latest data on company insolvency (companies which are unable to pay debts and enter liquidation, or enter administration or other company rescue process) . Statistics are presented separately for England and Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland because of differences in legislation and policy.
Main messages
Insolvencies in Q1 2019
- Total underlying company insolvencies increased in Q1 2019
- Creditors’ voluntary liquidations, administrations and company voluntary arrangements all increased in Q1 2019, while compulsory liquidations decreased
- Administrations increased to the highest level for 5 years
Update to historical data
- In Q1 2019 there has been a revision to historical data relating to company voluntary arrangements between 2000-07. This was due to an error in start and registration dates for company voluntary arrangements in our dataset