Official Statistics

Concessionary travel statistics: year ending March 2022

Concessionary travel statistics in England about the number of passes, bus journeys, reimbursement and expenditure.

Applies to England



Accessibility changes

To improve accessibility the report has been converted from a pdf format into a html format and the accompanying data tables have been improved to meet accessibility guidelines.

Data table structure changes

Additional changes have been made to the structure of the accompanying data tables. Previously, data tables were available for download individually, now, data tables are available for download as collections and included as tabs within one file. A table index which includes a mapping between the old data table structure and the new one has been provided to help users navigate these changes.

Impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic

This publication covers the year to 31 March 2022, which includes periods during which restrictions and later guidelines were in place due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

In England, comparing the year ending March 2022 with the year ending March 2021, there were:

  • 8.7 million older and disabled concessionary travel passes, down 3%
  • 555 million concessionary bus journeys, up 104%
  • £803 million reimbursed to bus operators by TCAs, down 5% (constant prices)
  • £1.01 billion in net current expenditure on concessionary travel, down 6% (constant prices)

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Published 26 April 2023

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