Coroners statistics 2012
Annual National Statistics on deaths reported to coroners.
Annual National Statistics on deaths reported to coroners, including inquests and post-mortems held, inquest verdicts returned and finds reported to coroners under treasure legislation.
The bulletin presents calendar year statistics on the work of coroners in England and Wales. Data are obtained from manual statistical returns submitted by all coroners under the Coroners Act 1988, and are produced in accordance with arrangements approved by the UK Statistics Authority.
In addition to Ministry of Justice professional and production staff, pre-release access to the quarterly statistics of up to 24 hours is granted to the following postholders:
Ministry of Justice: Secretary of State, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Permanent Secretary, Director General - Access to Justice, Director of Access to Justice Policy, Head of Coroners and Burials Policy, Head of Current Coroner Policy, Chief Coroner, Head of Chief Coroner’s Office, special advisers and the relevant press officers.