Accredited official statistics

Coroners statistics 2019: pre-release access list

Updated 29 May 2020

1. Pre-release access list: Coroners Statistics 2019

The following post holders are given pre-release access up to 24 hours before release.

Secretary of State for Justice and Lord Chancellor
Principal Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for Justice
Deputy Principal Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for Justice
Assistant Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for Justice

Parliamentary Under Secretary of State in the Ministry of Justice
Private Secretary to Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Justice
Assistant Private Secretary to Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Justice

Permanent Secretary
Private Secretary to Permanent Secretary
Assistant Private Secretary to Permanent Secretary

Special Advisors

Chief Coroner
Head of the Chief Coroner’s Office
Deputy Head of the Chief Coroner’s Office

Director General, Policy, Communications and Analysis Group
Director of Data and Analytical Services Division
Chief Statistician and Head of Justice Statistics Analytical Services

Deputy Heads of News
Chief Press Officer
Senior Press Officer

Deputy Director for Administrative Justice, Coroners, Burials, Cremation and inquiries
Joint Heads of Coroners, Burials, Cremations and Inquiries
Senior Policy Advisor, Coroners, Burials, Cremations and Inquiries
Policy Advisor, Coroners, Burials, Cremations and Inquiries