Cover of vaccination evaluated rapidly (COVER) programme 2020 to 2021: quarterly data
UK quarterly data and commentary on coverage achieved by the UK childhood immunisation programme.
The cover of vaccination evaluated rapidly programme (COVER) evaluates childhood immunisation in England, collating data for children aged 1, 2 and 5. Data is collected by financial year.
Vaccination coverage statistics quarterly data tables are provisional and give an indication of current coverage.
Vaccination coverage by GP data tables are experimental and should be viewed with caution.
Quarterly data
For data since April 2012, see vaccine uptake guidance and the latest coverage data.
For data before April 2012, see the UK Government Web Archive.
Annual data
Annual data for England, by financial year, is collected by Public Health England under the COVER programme with further checks and final publication by NHS Digital as national statistics. Annual data is more complete and should be used to look at longer term trends.
Vaccination coverage data for Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales:
Enquiries or feedback
For any enquiries or feedback, contact
Updates to this page
Added HPR 15(11) January to March report and associated data files.
Updated Experimental vaccination coverage, October to December 2020 data: Kent and Medway CCG and associated GP practices.
Added HPR 15(7) October to December report and related data.
Added HPR 14(24) July to September report and related data files.
Added COVER GP experimental vaccination coverage data tables for April to June 2020. See version control for revisions.
Removed the experimental vaccination coverage (GP), England (COVER programme): April to June 2020 data file, pending an update.
First published.