Crime in England and Wales 2009 to 2010: findings from the British crime survey and police recorded crime
Home Office Statistical Bulletin 12/10 is the ninth report in an annual series.
- From:
- Home Office
- Published
- 15 July 2010

Crime in England and Wales 2009/10: Findings from the British Crime Survey and police recorded crime
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Crime in England and Wales 2009/10: Findings from the British Crime Survey and police recorded crime text tables
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Crime in England and Wales 2009/10: Findings from the British Crime Survey and police recorded crime Chapter 1 - Overview of the findings
PDF, 103 KB, 7 pages
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Crime in England and Wales 2009/10: Findings from the British Crime Survey and police recorded crime Chapter 2 – Extent and trends
PDF, 486 KB, 36 pages
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Crime in England and Wales 2009/10: Findings from the British Crime Survey and police recorded crime Chapter 2 – Extent and trends data tables
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 419 KB
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Crime in England and Wales 2009/10: Findings from the British Crime Survey and police recorded crime Chapter 3 – Violent and sexual crime
PDF, 559 KB, 35 pages
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Crime in England and Wales 2009/10: Findings from the British Crime Survey and police recorded crime Chapter 3 – Violent and sexual crime data tables
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 211 KB
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Crime in England and Wales 2009/10: Findings from the British Crime Survey and police recorded crime Chapter 4 – Acquisitive and other property crime
PDF, 361 KB, 29 pages
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Crime in England and Wales 2009/10: Findings from the British Crime Survey and police recorded crime Chapter 4 – Acquisitive and other property crime data tables
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 147 KB
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Crime in England and Wales 2009/10: Findings from the British Crime Survey and police recorded crime Chapter 5 – Public perceptions
PDF, 394 KB, 39 pages
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Crime in England and Wales 2009/10: Findings from the British Crime Survey and police recorded crime Chapter 5 – Public perceptions data tables
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 280 KB
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Crime in England and Wales 2009/10: Findings from the British Crime Survey and police recorded crime Chapter 6 – Detection of crime
PDF, 143 KB, 15 pages
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Crime in England and Wales 2009/10: Findings from the British Crime Survey and police recorded crime Chapter 6 – Detection of crime data tables
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 74.5 KB
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Crime in England and Wales 2009/10: Findings from the British Crime Survey and police recorded crime Chapter 7 – Geographic patterns of crime
PDF, 326 KB, 30 pages
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Crime in England and Wales 2009/10: Findings from the British Crime Survey and police recorded crime Chapter 7 – Geographic patterns of crime data tables
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 296 KB
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Crime in England and Wales 2009/10: Findings from the British Crime Survey and police recorded crime Table 2.01 (with additional BCS years)
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 84 KB
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Crime in England and Wales 2009/10: Findings from the British Crime Survey and police recorded crime Table 2.03 (with additional BCS years)
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 34 KB
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Recorded crime figures for individual quarters, last eight quarters to March 2010
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 16.5 KB
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Community Safety Partnership areas: Recorded crime for seven key offences and BCS comparator 2008/09 to 2009/10
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 295 KB
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Local Authority Areas: Recorded crime for seven key offences and Recorded crime BCS comparator 2008/09 to 2009/10
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 251 KB
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Basic Command Units - Recorded Crime for Five Key Offences 2008/09 to 2009/10
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 133 KB
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Basic Command Unit - Sanction detections and sanction detections rate for five key offences 2008/09 to 2009/10
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Crime in England and Wales 2009/10: Wales factsheet
PDF, 148 KB, 8 pages
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Troseddu yng Nghymru a Lloegr 2009/10: Taflen Ffeithiau Cymru
PDF, 151 KB, 9 pages
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Nature of burglary data tables 2010
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 125 KB
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Nature of vehicle-related theft data tables 2010
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Nature of bicycle theft data tables 2010
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Nature of other household theft data tables 2010
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 90.5 KB
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Nature of personal and other theft data tables 2010
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 52 KB
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Nature of vandalism data tables 2010
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 78 KB
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Nature of violent crime data tables 2010
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 141 KB
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Home Office Statistical Bulletin 12/10 is the ninth report in an annual series that combines the reporting of police recorded crime and the British Crime Survey (BCS) results.
The police recorded and BCS figures are complementary series that together provide a better picture of crime than could be obtained from either series alone. We publish the annual crime statistics report every July.