Official Statistics

Pre-release access list for: Crime outcomes in England and Wales, year ending March 2024

Published 24 July 2024

Applies to England and Wales

This statistical bulletin was produced by analytical professionals and production staff in Home Office Analysis and Insight Directorate.

On the same day, 24 July 2024, the Home Office released the ‘Police workforce, England and Wales, 31 March 2024’ statistical release produced by staff in the Policing and Fire Analysis Unit responsible for the production and quality assurance of these statistics. To enable the Home Office to take a joint response regarding the crime outcomes and police workforce statistics being released on the same day individuals on the crime outcomes pre-release access list may be sighted on statistics from the police workforce statistics, and vice versa. The pre-release access list for police workforce can be accessed on the ‘Police Workforce, England and Wales, 31 March 2024’ page on  

Pre-release access was given to the following persons 24 hours in advance of release:

Home Office 

  • Home Secretary
  • Minister for Crime, Policing and Fire
  • Minister for Safeguarding
  • Minister of State for Security
  • Lords Minister
  • Permanent Secretary
  • Second Permanent Secretary
  • Special Advisers
  • Director General, Public Safety Group
  • Director of Crime Reduction
  • Chief Scientific Adviser
  • Director, Home Office Analysis and Insight Directorate
  • Press Officers, Comms-Criminal Justice (5)
  • Policy Officials, Crime Strategy Unit (3)
  • Policy Officials, Efficiency and Resources (2)
  • Policy Officials, Violence Against Women and Girls (2)
  • Policy Officials, Serious Violence Strategy (3)
  • Policy Officials, Firearms and Weapons Policy Unit (3)
  • Policy Officials, Fraud Policy (2)
  • Policy Officials, Neighbourhood crime (2)
  • Policy Official, Drugs Misuse and Firearms (1)
  • Policy Official, County Lines (1)

In addition, Private Secretaries in the Ministers’ and Special Advisers’ Private Offices will have access to pre-release figures for handling arrangements.  

Pre-release access was also given to the following persons from outside the Home Office 24 hours in advance of release:

Number 10

  • Prime Minister
  • Private Secretary to the Prime Minister, Home Affairs
  • Special Advisor, Home Affairs
  • Senior Policy Advisor, Home Affairs
  • Chief No.10 Communication Officer
  • Director, Deputy Head, No.10 Delivery Unit
  • Head of Research and Information
  • Senior Briefing Officer
  • Lead Data Scientist
  • Senior Press Officer, Home Affairs

Access was also given to the following persons in advance of release:

Ministry of Justice

Data were also provided to analysts in MoJ working on the production of the next release of the CJS Delivery Data Dashboard to ensure that it was able to make use of the most current data.