Crime outcomes in England and Wales, year to September 2016: data tables
Outcomes assigned to offences recorded to September 2016 and the total number of outcomes recorded, by outcome type and offence type.
Applies to England and Wales
Since October 2015 the Home Office have published crime outcomes data quarterly. However, we think most users still mainly use the annual data. As part of our resource planning for future years we are considering the frequency and breadth of published data. We would welcome any feedback from users on how they use outcomes data, particularly on the frequency and range of the data used. Please contact us at by 31 March 2017.
The police outcomes of offences recorded in the year to September 2016 and the total number of recorded outcomes. Data are shown by outcome type and offence type.
These data tables present statistics for police recorded crime outcomes in England and Wales.
For the year to September 2016 these data tables show:
- what outcomes police forces assigned to offences recorded in the year, including the proportion not yet assigned an outcome
- all crime outcomes that were assigned by police forces during the year, some of which relate to crimes recorded in previous years
- crimes recorded in the year that were later transferred to another police force or ‘cancelled’, and why
For further information and commentary on crime outcomes statistics please see ‘Crime outcomes in England and Wales, year ending March 2016’.
Detailed police recorded crime and outcomes data and longer term datasets are available in the police recorded crime and outcomes open data tables.